I'm sorta glad that I'm not the only one with this problem. Although I'm exhausted right now, but not enough to actually fall asleep.
I actually do this where I go to bed, and then get up to do one more thing, then go to bed, then repeat.
How to fall asleep: The dummy's guide 1. Turn off T.V 2. Lay in bed with eye's closed 3. fall asleep 4. Dream about Kingdom hearts (Or pony's) 5. ??? 6. Profit
The problem is that unless I overstimulate myself, 2 won't lead to 3 without half of the night being spent on rolling around and contemplating the meaning of life and wallowing in self-pity and deprecation. So with a tv/computer on I actually fall asleep sooner than if I didn't have those on. Except for the nights when I discover a new fandom *facepalms*
Another piece is that being in a relaxed state (such as being in bed) can put your body in a lower form of a recovery state where you are still awake and conscious. So if you aren't tired enough to fall asleep quickly then you end up lessening your need for sleep without getting the full benefits of sleep. This is how many insomniacs can be up for longer than you would think is possible (although ones I know like to overplay just how long) but it also means that if you go to bed before you are ready to sleep you might start chasing a moving target.
I cannot function the next day unless I get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. And if I don't get that I require a nap during the day. Otherwise I'll get grumpy or extremely hyper. I dunno how you kids cannot fall alseep when you're tired.