Evolution v. Creation

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Korra, Apr 28, 2008.

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  1. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Alright, before we get into anything violent, let's make a little agreement...
    Don't kill another member or tell them they suck or to f*ck off or whatever. This is the INTELLIGENT DEBATE section.

    So, which do you think really happened? Evolution by nature, or creation by God/Gods?

    And let's try not to use theories without facts, yes?
    Okay, debate time. :3

    Personally, I think that evolution is the way we evolved from protists to humans. There's more scientific evidence than not, and new things supporting evolution appear everyday.
  2. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ... I could swear this has been done before...

    EDITZ: ~linkage~
  3. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Well...it probably has, but I didn't see any recent topics, and I didn't want to go too far back and necro bump anything. >_>;;
  4. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    With this thread, I shall become Premium!

    You have the power to read minds, don't you, DP? I just thought of doing this. ^^

    BTW, it'd be a good idea to put the following definitions in the first post to avoid confusion:

    evolution: changes (subtle or otherwise) in a population's phenotype (genes that are expressed). Has nothing to do with the origin of life or the universe.
    natural selection: the process by which evolution occurs. States that those individuals whose genes allow them to survive better will pass down those genes more often than those without them.
    theory: in science, a thoroughly tested explanation of observed phenomena. For example, in the "Atomic theory," atoms are the phenomena, the theory is the explanation(s).

    If anyone else has any other definitions that would be useful.

    For my opinion, I must say that I am an evolutionist. There are heaps of evidence for it.

    Creation? ... None whatsoever.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Well, personally, even though there's like, a ton of evidence against it, I still like to believe that Creationism is right. Taking the evidence into account however, I believe that God set Evolution into motion, knowing full well how it would come out. You also have to remember for God, thousands of years in which we would evolve into humans, could seem like a day for him.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'm with Mirai on this one.

    The ironic thing is that Creation talks about the beginning, while evolution doesn't really focus on it too much. Though science in the evolution area have come up with possible explanations.

    I have to say that evolution is much more believable. While it may not be 100% true, it is still an attempt to explain things by unbiased point of views. And unless the theism part of it gives me actual explanations on HOW creation could have REASONABLY happened, I will probably never agree with it.

    Evolution ftw.
  7. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Personally I believe that God created all and that included in the category of "all" is evolution.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I'm an evolutionist. As I continue college into archeology and anthropology, investigate physics, and history, there is just too much proof to believe in Creationism at all and it is entirely fictitious to me. As for Intelligent Design, it cannot be proven either so when I see proof to it, I would lean to it but as there is none at this time I discount it as well. I have read the Bible also numerous times as well as studied various religions and spirituality. Just so it doesn't get said I don't know both sides of the coin.
  9. blue_neon Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 11, 2007
    Upendi, JKz
    In my own opinion/ theory God created the heavens and the earth... and then humans and Adam and Eve is a prototype sort of people that God created and made primates to evolve more so to the people today and in fact people are still evolving now.

    The fact is the bible for the Adam and Eve and many documentries says there is a Adam and Eve but maybe not the ones stereotypically corasian but yea.

    Evolution is also proven through evidence of the past eg. primate remains. And humans are still evolving now to make a more advance civilisation.
  10. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Evolution will never be 100% proven or disproved. Same with creation. They already have enough evidence on evolution. And faith keeps creation going. In my honest opinion it's pointless to debate a topic such as this where both sides are only based of theory or faith.
  11. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    INtelligent section means intelligent topics. Like someone said......this isn't an intelligent topic to start. Its like a goth that doesn't like people call him/her goth, but they look like a fricken vampire. Flaming comes with this topic, havn't you ever been told the 2 things you should never talk about? Religion and Politics.......but suprisingly, these are my favorite things to talk about ^__^. Now, I am totally against evolution, allow me to say that right away. I don't believe in the Bible creation, but something similiar somewhat. The creation account in the Bible is mearely code for something more or less important.
    Next: Theories without facts? BOTH ARE THEORIES!!! Are you dumb? All anyone is gonna say is theory this theory that, no ones gonna have physical proof! All the evolutionists will say they do, but its as good as back when people said they'd found the crown of thorns from Jesus, and all that bull sh%*t. Please, give some links to pics or something k?

    Books buddy, books. Thats our proof, so yours is?

    I remember you once said you were a Christian. well? You've fallen bud. You even say that you've read a bunch of spiritual books. What books? Where they saying: become a hippy evolutionist, unite everyone so we can beet global warming, and **** like that! Or was it a satanic book, its spiritual, and wants people to fall away from God. HM?!?!? Either you ignored every good piece of evidence against evolution, or your really iliterit(i don't think i spelled that right? hypocritical...i know.) and can't read. But seriously, what books did you read?
    And the whole coin thing, what i was trying to say was that you do know both sides of the coin, and have taken the road of deception. What created everything? Thats the real question here. What was before the "Big-Bang"? hmmmmmmmmmmm?????????

    THANK YOU!!!
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    maybe they're both correct. maybe this "God" created these creatures who eventually evolved into what we have today.
  13. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Yet, as a theory, evolution has evidence and has been tested countless times.

    The ToE is a theory, in the same way gravity, atoms, molecules, and cells are. We KNOW that they're there, we just don't know everything about them. Therefore, tested and testable theories are made to explain these phenomena.

    Evolution is a FACT. We KNOW that life 'evolves' using natural selection. The theory part is the explanations.
  14. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Do you know of any site or book that I could read more on? The points you make are very interesting.

    But here's the thing...remains of early humans (like early hominids) couldn't have devolved from Adam and Eve.
    Can you honestly use the Bible as hard facts? Does anyone really know if the Bible is truth?

    What does "stereotypically corasian" mean, by the way? O_o
    Well...there's evidence of evolution. We did discover the remains of a wooly mammoth from the Ice Age, and the bone structure and whatnot is similar to today's elephants.

    By the way, the person that tried to derep me saying "bad. Your gonna start a flame war.": I clearly stated in my first post that this is the Intelligent Debate section.
    We debate. We don't flame. There's a difference. Furthermore, this will not become a flame war as long as we act civil and intelligent.
    I'd hope we can do that, yes?
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'd like to say another thing in regards to the general definition of "theory" when speaking scientifically; "theory" in science doesn't always mean the general term "theory."

    Again, scientific theory and the term "theory" are two different things.

    Just a little vocab information on this. :3
  16. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Well like I said for about 20 threads I said I would find out if God did create us or it was just a scientific discovery that made us but most likely that people would say that god made us from protists. The truth it I will find teh answer to all of this.
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    ...You wanna run that by me one more time? O_o

    Do you know what a protist is, dude?

    Anyway...back on topic.
    Steno's Law of Superposition states that successive layers of rock and dirt are laid one on top of each other.
    Due to our technology, we've seen that the bottommost layer has remains of ancient things, like the first prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
    Each layer has a more evolved creature.
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Very uninteresting........

    its clear , that we can have hard facts for evolution.....to some extent , or maybe i should call it "change"

    yes, change sounds better, i believe both evolution and creation go side by side, just like i believe science and religion compliment each other

    humans have changed through the course of time,

    call me crazy, but i think , that the minds of the first people of the world was more advanced

    but, they didnt have the materials or didnt need them.
  19. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Contrary to your statement, Chervalier, I don't think it's possible at all for science to ever go hand in hand with religion. Science is a method used to explain things, to find answers and explain a phenomena with no ideal reference to a divine being. Religion's already have set laws, standards, truths, etc., without any real critical analysis or amounting evidence to be looked at. In other words, reducing human responsibility. In which the thing about science, and in an abstract notion, philosophy of it in the same way, is to really determine the very thing religion has claimed to already have answered.

    But imo, final understandings can never be known. We can only get so far.

    And yes I will agree with you, the minds of the first people on Earth were very intelligent. They were able to catalog celestial groups of stars in the sky, make plans for events, etc., take in all this information from them. They were very aware of things, mostly because they had nothing else to look at, probably, but the sky.
  20. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It wasn't just intelligence, although that obviously played a big part xD

    They had no boundries or limits. Nowadays, scientists feel bound by those that went before them. It is very hard to think outside of theories already put forward and generally accepted. It is often pioneering scientists who ignore what has already been discovered, who find new theories that make sense.

    As for Evolution vs Creationism, it's evolution all the way. Evidence is the most important thing when it comes to the past. There is little evidence for Creationism. Also, the Bible cannot ever be used as evidence. It was put together by the Catholic Church long after it was written. Any parts they didn't like they just simply discarded. Also, it has been translated so many times that there is no way all the true meaning (if there ever was any) could still be in it.

    Not starting a debate about religion btw. I just felt that needed to be said before the inevitable Bible Bashers appear and ruin everyone's fun by being complete idiots =]

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