I watched the moment on tv right now. Plushenko started skating in the Olympics around the same time I started watching the Olympics. The first thing that attracted me was his attitude, I actually thought he was a cocky ******* who was too arrogant. But I was stunned at his amazing and legendary performances. He is a legend in Russia and the world, a movie star, a person who's placed in practically every competition he set foot in. At 32, he went back to the skating rink, despite plates in his spine to compete in Sochi in Russia. He sizzled in the team and did a spectacular job that showed everyone he was back. During practice yesterday he fell three times, and in warm up tonight, he screwed up a jump, didn't fall, but it aggravated his back enough to cause him to retire. In the interview, he said he actually had no feeling in his legs after the rough landing. I have a family member who has had back surgery herself and she has said many times she can't do nearly as much as a lot of other people due to the rods in her back. I can't imagine how painful it was doing half of the things he did. He retires with two gold medals and two silver medals, almost ending up with five.