Everyone it's time I take my leave...(my friends please read)

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Sakura Angel, Nov 20, 2010.

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  1. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    Alot happened recently... To all those who read my help with life threads you all should know the story...To thoe who posted and helped me I thank you so much...After last night things went down hill...Worse than ever befor... I got the truth from somthing i needed to know... It ended up effecting me terrbly. With my ex Boyfriend and friends and family ive been lied to and back stabbed so many time's...

    I don't want to hurt anyone but I know I will end up hurting somone..... The thoughts of killing myself have gotten worse....I ended to go through with it in a matter of days. I dont want to hear it from anyone saying no dont do it ect ect. I dont want to lie on why im leaving and why i wont be heard from again. Just let me say my goodbyes if you have your opinon to state about my action PM me.

    Tummer: We didnt know eachtoher to well at all. But it was so fun when we got into a deep talk about anime XD I must say that was the best night i had in a long time! And your right hopefully there wont be a second season to OHSC >< I never really cry but that last episode i freakin balled ;~; Thank you for helping me through some rough times. You are awsome! God bless you <3

    DPwolf: My sister ;~; You're just flat out awsome XD Anyone who chooses to play in mud over dresses is my kind of gal XD Me love you. And thanks for standing by me through everything <3 it means alot to me that you where there and even stayed up late to chat with me. Keep safe okay and good luck in school!!!

    MoshiMoshi!!!: MISHI_KINS!!! ;~;....Not much to say....Cause I know your going to call and b!tch at me later... Ya we'll talk then <3

    Jaden: God bless your heart your such a sweet and careing man. i know these past few month i havent been the best of friend to you and im sorry about that. ive been so deep down in depression and anger i didnt reliez what i was doing and I feel terrble for hurting you. I hope you can forgive me. Thanks for helping me to get better with my poems and thanks for giving me alot of laughs. Your a great guy. dont give up on love and dont give up on life.

    Keyblademasterjoe: My joey puppy!!! <3 your aawsome!!! plain and simple!! Thanks for listeing me b!tch all those times <3 and im sorry that I cant be here to help you through everything your going through. Keep your head up high. Look to the furture and never give up hope. For you things will work out for the best just wait <3

    KellyJelly: I just love your name XD makes me laugh and for some odd reason makes me crave jello XD we just started talking but I know your a great person. I hope you enjoy the puppied and your new baby brother!!

    Xephos: My kitty X3 you're also a great friend. The best neko I could ever ask for! Thanks for everything.

    Misty: I didnt know you well either but your so goofy XD I always love looking at all the sigs you make! you do a great job!! please take care <3

    Shawn(I cant spell his user name for the life of me....) : thanks for sticking around and pushing me. It means alot to me that you helped. Your a great guy and I hope life has so many gifts for you!!

    Alex856: I cant believe you forgot your password XD but It was nice talking to you. Your a funny guy and so sweet!! never change!!!!!

    To all of those I missed I'm sorry. My mind isnt fully here so I forget...But I love you all and thank you everyone for a great time here<3 Your all in my hearts.

  2. Colby1234 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2010
    orlando flordia
    i really do not know you and i will miss you
  3. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I'll miss you too. *purrs*
  4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    ...She talks about killing herself and all you guys are gonna do is just say you'll miss her? We need to at least TRY to talk her out of it. It doesn't matter that she told us not to.

    Thank You Sakura, I really needed to hear that...<3

    But you seriously need to think about what you're doing, You only live once, And when you die it's game over. You don't want to lose your only chance at life. You've been hurt and lied to and betrayed yes, but you've still got friends HERE who care about you. And we would never hurt you. We're all your friends Sakura. And we love you very much.
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    It's also what I feared a while back. I've tried to take her back but she found counter-arguements from my reasonings. So therefore I can't try my best to bring her back. *purrs*
  6. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    Jaden I thank you for your careings. thanks for everyting guys....but serously kitty you didnt have to bring that up...espically here.

    Thank again everyone<3
  7. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    If anyone tries to mess with you tell them ol' Sinder's gonna come for them cuz I won't tolerate it.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You're wrong. This thread proves it. You still care enough to post this, you still care enough to go on living.
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Sakura...at this point I don't know what I can say to you to help. I've been trying my damned hardest, but I think you need to sit down and seriously consider what many others and myself have said to you in your Help with Life thread. The fact that so many people - some you hardly know - posted there and want to help should be enough to show you that people love you.
    I don't want you to kill yourself. It's stupid to even consider that, yes I know things are hard, and they have been for a while and they may be for a while longer, but everyone has those times in their lives. I bet if you ask anyone around you, anyone here on KHV, they will tell you that they've had hard times in their lives that they'd never think they'd see the end of. I know I have, and hell I'm going through another right now. So you're not alone in that aspect, you're never alone. Even if you don't have friends physically there for you, there will always be people here. I will always be here. If you cut yourself off from us, who will you have to talk to about your problems? Think about that. And think about how many people will miss you and feel guilty.
    You say it's a burden to talk to others about your problems, but that's what friends do for each other. They're a shoulder to lean on when things get hard, and that's how you know who are truly your friends. They stick by you in hard times and they laugh with you during the good times. Just remember that if you cut yourself off from all of us, we won't be able to do that for you.
    I can't force you to stay Sakura, but I'll miss you if you do decide to leave. I'd be a bit disappointed too, but...I'll always be your sister and I wish you the best of luck. <3
  10. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009

    I barely know you but I just feel like i can't let you do this. Please, think about what you're doing.Yes, life can be hard, but suicide is not the answer. You will always have us to talk to if you stay, or if you decide to come back, but for the love of God, please don't kill yourself. Please, please don't do it. If you do it's going to put an enormous emotional burden on a lot of people here and probably many people you know in real life, and worse yet, you'll lose your only opportunity to become something great like we all know that you can. Please, just live, we all know you can do it.
  11. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Don't even think about doing that, think about what all your friends and family will feel if you do that. You have everything to live for hun, things are just bad at the moment, but trust me, they'll get better. Just don't do anything drastic, you know we're all here for you. Be safe, dear. <3
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I understand what you're feeling. You could be reading these replies but not taking them in, I challenge you to really rethink this. As people have said, things look bad but they WILL get better, they won't if you're not there to see it. Think hard about all the people that love can care for you, sometimes it doesn't feel that way but trust me we do! You may not know me well but I am always here to talk to (one of the main reasons someone won't talk about their problems is because they don't want to be a burden, but I live to serve others, I live to help people. If I didn't then I wouldn't know what to do with myself), if not me then there are loads of people here you can talk to, like all the people you've said a goodbye to. You have posted and asked for help with life which shows you want to live, you want to sort this out not end it. That is what you should do, take the advise of the people on this forum and live a life, a long one just whatever you do, don't kill yourself. It'll only make things worse for the people you leave behind.
  13. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    So, after reading this topic I can't keep quit... Sakura, I barely know you but I think you should listen to these people. They care about you and they love you. I never had to much friends, but here on this forum, I feel completely at home. You have to look around and open your eyes... I mean, even people who don't know you don't want you to leave! And I think that that means we care about you. So please read these messages and please think about it. Even if the people here are not close, they love you...
  14. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    Reading all of these messages from friends and from people i dont really know made me cry... I knew you guys cared about me but i never thought it was that much. I've never felt so loved in my life and as I type this im crying tears of joy.i want to thank you all for all the messages and bascly snapping me out of what I wanted to do... I'll be hoenst that at this point in time I dont see anything will be getting better. But I will start looking to the good things and have faith that everything will be getting better. I wont kill myself and I will stop self harming. Im sorry for making everybody worry and Im sorry ive been so stupid. I dont see things right all the time. I always this if something is bad it will just get worse and never get better. But I gues that was wrong of me. Thank you again everyone for opening my eyes and bascly beating sence into me with the hammer. I wont be going anywhere. You people are all I have and I love you all. You are all my best friends and I would love to keep getting to know you guys better each and everyday<3

    i feel so loved by you guys. Family has never shown me this kind of love and careing so this is all new to me. I owe you guys everything I love you all <3​
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I'm real proud of you Sakura. We'll all still be here for you, so you better not be going anywhere. <3

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