I veell bettle-a ifery dey Tu cleeem my reeghtffool plece-a! Cume-a veet me-a, zee teeme-a is reeght! Zeere's nu better teem, Erm in erm, ve'll veen zee feeght! It's elveys beee oooor dreem! Pukémun (Gutta cetch 'em ell), it's yuoo und me-a I knoo it's my desteeny (Pukémun!) Oouh, yuoo're-a my best freeend In a vurld ve-a moost deffend!
A-POKEMOWN (got to a-catch dem all!) a hart su troo!! (ah-ah-ah-ah) our coorage will-a puull us thru! You a-teeech meee and I WILL a-teach yuoo!! (POKEMOOOWNNNN) (GOT TO AH-CATCH DEM ALL!) Got to catch dem ah-ohll! pokemon
Nothin much brah. Just playing video games.....drawing half-finished shiz. u? (also thanks for pointing out my awesome genius that i don't have but is there)