Aharstockhar Was originally a BW tag, but it looked boring, so I added some coloring and stuff, and no, no color version, it looked way too messed, x_x. Cnc and suchs, no ratings, please and thanks. o.o; <3
Could you post the B&W version? The fact that it started that way and only got colors halfway through the sig making process upsets me; the colors are going to turn out extremely monotone if you do that, save if you color every area individually. And that's not fun. Effect-wise, I like the tag. Everything flows together nicely, but I think that the left side could use work. It's a little bland, which is okay, but somehow the open-ness of that area draws away from the right. Maybe if you liquefied it up to the right a bit more. I'm not sure. The text isn't terrible, but I'm not crazy about it either.
Pretty decent for such a **** stock. It looks to me like your stuck in a rut, all your sigs are starting to blend together and seem to have the same Place stock -> Splatter/smudge ->Vector/clipping mask -> Sharpen -> Discolor -> Add text formula.
BW version up. Yeah, stock was hard to work with. lol Yeah, I really need to get a new concept, I been trying to come up with ideas lately, but up to now no luck. lol