
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Balthier, May 24, 2008.

  1. Balthier Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 1, 2007
    On Fran's butt viera tail thingy. =]
    Before you read this I just want to say that this isnt mine.



    ~Part 1~

    “Hey! Xarsa does not understand this!†I yelled. The class room chatter suddenly dimmed down with the talk. I could feel all eyes on me. The teacher had just come face to face with me with her Grinch like grin, horrible breath and wide eyes. I loathed her more then the Square Enix hater’s.

    “What do you not understand? It is all very simple.†She said in a low voice. The ears around me came closer to hear as I was ready to make a quick comeback. “Yeah well it’s not as simple as Final Fantasy XII. I bet if we all could apprecia-†The teacher gave me a glare which meant detention, but she couldn’t possibly be thinking about it when I’m in my happiest mood.

    Allow me to introduce my self, I am Yasemin. A 12 year old girl with an extremely vivid imagination who only wants to be freed from this world of boring reality. Or in other words, I’m a fantasy freak. Being located in a multicultural council I am from a “Wog background†and therefore should be able to fit right in. But I’m the only Turkish girl who loves Balthier Bunansa! Wait now just a minute I’ll take you through my story and introduce everyone and everything to you. If I can be bothered.

    “Oh my god like isn’t Yasemin the biggest freak ever? All she talks about is her stupid Game and that guy is an ugl-†I turned my head around immediately. I saw Deran give me a small glance and put her head into her work as quickly as she could.
    “Watashi wa Kira DESU!†I yelled at her.
    “Yasemin! No shouting in Japanese in class!â€
    No, not in the class.

    “May I come in?†I said to the door. It was painted a white color which went well with the rest of the hall. It’s more like a hospital, not a school hall. On the door there was the number ‘2143’ and underneath that a plastic sleeve in which the list of teachers were in the room. The name that I had always smiled at was Johnny K.

    “Sure.†Came a male voice from the room. I pushed down the door handle and walked into the office. It was warm inside and bright, unlike the blinding white of the hall, this room was more like a room filled with light from the rising sun. In front of the only window in the room and the far end there was a handsome young man with his feet up upon the table swinging his chair back. He had a pencil behind one ear and was throwing papers in the mini hoop he had made for his bin.

    Okay so Johnny isn’t his real name, it’s what everyone likes to call him. I myself call him cousin. He’s related to me somehow, but I just haven’t the time to figure out how. He’s a 22 year old single male teacher with a bad ass attitude and a quirky personality. Every word I say is the truth. But lies seem to make things more interesting. Anyway this hotshot cousin of mine is my Balthier, also my Tutor/Teacher/Game buddy and so on and so on.

    “Aha. You’re losing to sanity yet again Yasemin.†He said with a chuckle. I hated that. I sat on the table and looked out the window. Down below I could see the other school, but I couldn’t help but notice Deran and her posse laughing, probably about me. Not that I could hear them.
    “Not sanity, popularity.†I replied in a weak whisper. He suddenly threw a paper at my head which hit me in between my eyes. I looked at him with a dopey stare and noticed something different about him today. It wasn’t his signature cow lick hairstyle he had adopted as a teen nor was it his Belt. But's...
    “I’m wearing glasses today.†He said. My head was facing his crotch. A sudden burst of embarrassment came across me as he put his feet down and took off his glasses with a sigh.
    “But that’s not the point right now, is it?†I looked back up at him, into his dazzling green eyes.
    “You aren’t like them Yasemin, I know. Now I want you to close your eyes,â€
    I closed my eyes.
    “Visualize the sand on a....beach.â€
    I began to see the sand as he slowly said this.
    “Look around you and tell me, what do you see?â€
    I looked to my left but saw nothing. It was completely black. Nothing was there except me and that small pile of sand.
    “Emptiness?†I said slowly opening my eyes.
    “Not what I was expecting.â€
    What the hell did that mean? What was he expecting, some ultimate fantasy creature?
    I pulled myself off the table then walked towards the door. Once I had opened it a short, pale black haired boy stood in front of me. He looked at me in fear with his bloodshot blue eyes. The boy looked around nine years old. Yet what was he doing in the girls high school section?
    "Come inside Yusuf."
    "Oh yes..." Said the little boy. He sounded posh. What would a posh person be doing in a school like this dodgy one?
    "Excuse me, but your standing in my way."
    "Oh sorry!" I immediately said. I took a step to my left and let the boy walk in. I couldn’t stop looking at him.

    Who is he?

    Ten more minutes.
    Ten more minutes.
    Ten more minutes.
    And then it happened. A knock at the classroom door. No one bothered to sit back down and be quite as the door opened. I looked up from my guide book and felt my brain leak out my nose. It was the posh boy again. I could hear girls giggling behind me and whispering things.
    "Oh my god he looks so cute!"
    "Look at those lush blue eyes...â€
    "His face is angelic!!"
    I turned around.
    "Fan girls much?" I said in a low whisper.
    Just before Deran could snap she looked away. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I turned back. He stood right in front of my table. His expression completely blank, his eyes empty and dull, they almost seemed grey.
    "He told me to tell you that after school you have to be at the station,"
    His voice was crisp and clean. He seemed so mature.
    "Or you clean the boardinghouse."
    He talked in such a formality; it was as though he knew exactly what he was talking about. This boy had a weird aura....
    "Thanks." I said. I looked down back into my book. I began to read. Yet he stood there, blocking my normal senses.
    "That's the Final Fantasy XII Guide,"
    Wow. How’d this kid know?
    “Yeah. I’m surprised you’d even recognize it.â€
    No one has ever known that this book was Final Fantasy. They just thought that it was for some stupid game that didn’t even make sense. And I highly doubted that some 10 year old kid would know. A very cute ten year old…
    “I myself am a huge fan. I’ve take quite a strange liking to the young Solidor.â€
    Then it clicked. This kid wasn’t any ordinary kid. He was the Larsa cosplayer in London I’ve heard so much about. So I was right, he’s a posh kid.
    “I like the Sky Pirate type.†I said looking down and indulging myself into my book. If I had remembered right this boy’s name was Jake and he’s not ten. He’s a twelve year old boy with a mother who is editor of a prestige fashion magazine. I made small shrine on the internet dedicated to him but he raided it and got rid of everything he has sworn he would get me for it.
    “Oh? By chance would you be the one who is stalking Alkazar?â€
    Alkazar. I had heard this name before. But from where?
    “Who the hell is Alkazar?â€
    A deadly silence filled the room.
    Ding. Ding.
  2. Xarsa Merlin's Housekeeper


