"Why? Why is it so hard for me to say how I feel? Four years I've known him; six months ago it happened. That noose snaked around my thoughts, tightening around his neck. Anger, betrayal, jealousy: warping my passion into vengeance cutting through our bonds, choking life out of him. My calloused mind could not yield to his pleas. So, he targeted my heart. He brought me back Expulsing those distinguished unmistakable words: "Damn it, Rachel! I love you!" Half a year passed as we fought side by side. He believes I don't remember in my brainwashed rage. But I can't forget. Those words have held me captive in their affections. Words that were unreturnable, unbearable, unutterable off my lips. God, I've wanted to tell him so badly. I'm a... ...warrior. ...princess. ...diva. ...fighter. ...loner. It's too soon. When I'm near him, I can only laugh with false bravado to hide my fear. My cowardice. Crossing this line means no returning to safety of friendship. He says he loves me. After all we've been through, I trust him. -Rachel"