KH-Vids Podcast Episode #86: Nintendo Mori

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    A podcast episode? On time!?

    This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @al215 and @Llave to discuss some of the recent news coming out of Nintendo in the past few days. Their new Legend of Zelda title, slated for release on the Wii U, has been pushed back into 2016 and will not make an appearance at E3 in June, they're entering the smartphone market in a partnership with popular Japanese developer DeNA, and are working on a new mystery console codenamed the Nintendo NX. Given their precarious state in the gaming market, and continuous decline in the last few years, could Nintendo be headed for trouble? Only time will tell!

    We also pay a quick homage to Hideo Kojima's forthcoming departure from Konami and wonder what that will mean for the Metal Gear Solid series.

    As always, we answer user-submitted questions! @Shu gets spiritual with us, @Graxe pitches the plot to Castaway, and @Amaury asks about our first gaming experiences.

    Thanks everyone for listening! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own!


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    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Mar 31, 2015.

    1. Amaury
      Spyro the Dragon (the first one) was also my first game, @Llave.

      Anyway, glad my question was answered. Hope my other one gets answered soon (I know questions are chosen at random). Would really love to hear the answers to that. :D
    2. Hayabusa
      I actually can see Kojima contracting with Sony being a potentially great idea, as you guys discussed with From Software for "Bloodborne," though I'd feel bad for the fan base that his games have generated since moving from being Sony exclusives for a few years. No matter what though, I'm disheartened that Konami is the way it's been since the mid 2000's. Kojima must be really glad to be done with the company. I just really want "Silent Hills" to happen still and be amazing. The series has been effectively dead to me since 2005, with the only decent title connected to it being "P.T."
    3. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      • Bizarre is a good word for Nintendo not bringing Zelda Wii U to E3, especially since they showed in-engine stuff at last E3 and even gameplay at the Video Game Awards.
      • I like the Directs, but they are disappointingly short compared to the other E3 showings. They manage to cram a lot of hype into those, though.
      • Nintendo's been doing Treehouse streams outside of E3 as well; they just had one after the last Direct showing off Splatoon, and notably they had a seven-hour Treehouse stream of Smash Wii U before its release.
      • Last year at E3, they announced the new Star Fox would be coming out this year. I think it's safe to say it'll be at E3.
      • I wouldn't worry about there not being a new Pokémon title this year just yet. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire weren't announced until May last year, after all.
      • I wonder if Fire Emblem if or Illusory Revelations #FE will qualify as "beyond 2015" for this E3; they'll be out in Japan in June and winter this year respectively, but not outside of Japan until 2016.
      • Nintendo can screw me over until the end of time. I don't even care. They've had my soul for fifteen years.
      • I can also vouch for Final Fantasy Record Keeper! It's pretty fun~
      • YO DON'T KNOCK POKÉMON SHUFFLE. The max you can pay is 10 Gems (aka $10) for either seventy-five Hearts or 75,000 Coins.
      • I've only ever played the original Metroid game (it was a free Club Nintendo gift last summer), but I'm dying for Nintendo to do something with the franchise. Other M came out in 2010, and there's been no news for the franchise since.
      • DeNA is also helping Nintendo put together their successor to Club Nintendo, which is supposed to be compatible with PCs, smartphones, tablets, the 3DS, Wii U, and the NX.
      • The Revolution was a pretty apt title. How quickly were people trying to jump on the motion control bandwagon after the Wii was a runaway hit?
      • Dolphin was indeed the Gamecube! The GBA was also known as Atlantis, I think.
      • Wii U was 2012.
      • I wouldn't expect to see the NX at this upcoming E3, but holiday 2016 probably isn't a bad guess at a release window, I guess.
      • That slide was referring to compatibility with their new rewards program. Placement of different things on each side seems pretty incidental.
      • I had to look this up; apparently the Gamepad can work from at least 24 feet away, and through (some) walls. Still not ideal, I guess, but still not as bad as 15 feet.
      • I could get behind the idea of a system that functions as a console and a handheld, but I wonder how feasible it would be. If anyone could do it right, though, it would definitely be Nintendo.
      • Basically what it sounds like libre's getting at is something like the Wii U and Gamepad, except the Gamepad functions as a separate system.
      • FUNCTION > POWER. I'd rather have something fun than blindingly HD at 1080p 60fps or whatever.
      • At least the Wii U has more games than the Vita...
      • "ay-men" for meeee
      • I feel like the Majora's Mask remake wasn't so much about abandoning the Wii U as it was following the Ocarina of Time remake.
      • Yeah, it was an investor meeting.
      • The first console I owned was the Wii. (It's still the only console I own...) The first system I owned was a Gameboy Color. I played on the N64, Gamecube, and PS2 at friends' houses, though. The first game I ever remember playing was one of Disney's interactive storybook games, or one of the Edmark or Jumpstart games for the computer.
    4. libregkd
      I can say that this is factually wrong as the Vita has almost double the library of the Wii U :v

    5. Hayabusa
      Oh, first gaming memory....I want to say my first game was probably something on the Super Nintendo, specifically it was probably either Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country.
    6. Misty
      Oh I enjoy the Directs as well, I think they're a fun way to present information and Nintendo always does a fantastic job with them. Unfortunately, I think their lack of a more traditional (and accessible) conference at events like E3 affects their visibility.
      If they need a big announcement at E3, which I think they do, a new Pokemon would be a good option!
      After the disaster surrounding Other M I can see why they'd be hesitant to touch the franchise again, which is a damn shame.
      Oh for sure, the Wii was huge. It was a game-changer for the industry. I make fun of the codename because it just made it so awkward to talk about it!
      I don't either, but the holiday 2016 release window sounds pretty secure to me unless there's some sort of unexpected problem or delay.
      Yeah that's the thing, it would be a big risk to take but I actually trust Nintendo with it because they've been such innovators in the past (like with the Wii). It would also probably get me to buy into Nintendo again, too (last Nintendo console I owned was a DS).
      I definitely think that's the right path for Nintendo.
      I just sort of associate Majora's Mask with home consoles, I guess! I just think of the N64 and so I think a remaster should also be on a home console lol

      I'll also use this post to say there will be no podcast this week! We were planning to record today but I woke up with a nasty cold & sore throat which obviously would prevent me from hosting. We'll be back next week! On a similar note, we're planning to do a Order 1886 spoilercast, so if you've played it please shoot me a message if you want to guest!
    7. Hayabusa
      So, speaking of Metroid...who else has actually played the series?

      I have Fusion and the Prime Trilogy, both of which I love. The current lack of attention to Metroid is really hurting me ._.
    8. libregkd
      You have a PS4 right? If you are looking something to scratch that Fusion/Super Metroid itch, I would highly suggest getting Axiom Verge. Amazing game in its own right, but the real lack of games like Metroid Fusion in today's gaming environment, it's really spectacular.
    9. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      >death arcana

      @libregkd that how you got into it? Lol that was my first guess.

      HOLY FK Drew was in this podcast that scared me
    10. libregkd
      Yes actually hah. Was back in 2006 when I was a bored teenager in high school and thought I'd pick something up because why not. Mentioning the death arcana in this podcast was entirely coincidental though, wasn't really thinking of Persona when saying it lol.