Spoiler [video=youtube;pDwvqrSi92Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDwvqrSi92Q&feature=relmfu[/video] Heart attack on crust^
Dear mother of God.....o-o A heart attack could be induced by just looking at that..I think I need a moment to compose myself...
You should see some of their other stuff. Slaughter house ginger bread house(Made of meat, drizzled in cheese wiz, dipped in Mashed potatoes). 30+ Fast Food burgers in a meatloaf. And of course, all this stuff is covered in bacon. Always. How are they not dead?
Gotta love EMT. Chili four loko. Someone is going to die tonight eating chili. I love that episode so much.
Well, I've never heard of these people but I surely like there food. I couldn't eat that though, I'm pretty sure I would be sich O.o The candied bacon looks interesting, it must be horribly bad for you but I may have to try and make it at one point. I also love the dramaticness of his voice and how he's making everything sound so intense O.o I swear the sugar levels on that are enough to block up at least one of your erteries O.o