Now that my first year in a real art class is over, I figured I'd post all of the pieces. 12 total, with another 12 next year for the AP. Some I have posted before, but it's all together here. I don't have the large-sized images anymore, but hopefully these are big enough. Distortion - five objects that reflect who you are Ant's Eye View - ant's eye view of subject Fortune Cookie Collage - use of a fortune to determine the subject Self Portrait Self Portrait with Newspaper (I hated this project so much) Brown Paper Bag - midterm Scientific Drawing - had to include two facts Water Bottles - monochromatic; mirror behind the two bottles (hence why there's four) Musical Instrument - exaggurate part of the instrument (not a great picture of it but whatever) Seven Deadly Sins - had to express the 7DS with unconventional methods, I chose animals (Dragon - Greed, Lion - Pride, Wolf - Wrath, Snake - Envy, Lust - Rabbit, Gluttony - Boar, Sloth - Tiger); went with an Okami-like art style. Figure Drawings - Final, meant to be roughly done and not completely finished Spoiler I hate drawing people, lol. CnC, comment, whatever floats your boat.
They always say you see something new when you look at something, I totally have with the few of these I've seen before. Like the first image with the zoid, I just noticed the reflection in the bowl. I find that amazing since I suck at reflections and shadows. Your shading is fantastic as is your detail. Thinking about it now, if you put Issun on Belle's nose that might be similar to a certain Okami moment :lolface: What do the words say? And is that a giant robot hand? It's so Tron like yet I also feel a Transformers vibe. The self portrait is really good. I think it was the first close up I saw of your face and it does look like you (my self portraits on the other than >>). I also like the second one for the inclusion of the Chinese newspaper. It's pretty a awesome idea. That bag is just amazing. The shading on it and the wrinkles are perfect. You've definitely included the facts, the eye catching image definitely got my attention again. I like the drawing, I get a kind of horror feeling from it though, probably cause of the red and the tile like background. I can see what part of the instrument you went for and it came out rather brightly coloured steampunk in a way I think. The colour scheme reminds me a bit of Mirror's Edge with the bars being red and everything else white and blue. I totally get the metaphors for each one. And that dragon does look both robotic and ice-like as I said before xD Those last two reminds me of life drawing, except with clothes. Very nicely styled, but what did you use to draw it?
It says, "Good fortune is soon heading your way." As soon as I read it I thought "OKAMI TIME". xD That hand is actually from Okami. You'll see it much later in the game. :'D The bottles I actually did with a horror kind of mindset, I tried to create some splattering of red paint on the tiles. Didn't work too well because the brushes I have at home suck beyond all reason. The original dragon I was drawing from had scales, but after doing the detail on the snake I was like "No that's not happening again". So I picked a different dragon without scales. >> Yeah, we drew from a live clothed model. It was done on black paper with charcoal, similar to my midterm, but the bag was actually done on a brown paper shopping bag. Thank you <3
*sees that you leave group convo just when I'm replying* ahflahf Generally your cartoons, still life (sort of, I guess) and animal art is fantastic. Perhaps your greatest area of improvement would lie in the self portrait; it's great (hell, I couldn't get close to drawing something like that) but it's so damn difficult to get facial structure to look realistic and your hair doesn't seem like it's falling. I think it's incredible that you can work well through so many different mediums, since lots of artists seem to be limited to graphic, or just sketching, or just paint. What instrument is that a close up of? I can tell it is brass, just not sure what exactly @_@ The water bottles are great but it just struck me that the reflection is far bigger than the real image. An Ant's Eye View is really well made, the perspective is just perfect and everything is in proportion for a little bug. xD
I keep telling you of all of these works my favorite is the ant's point of view <3 how you used the colored pencil was fantastic :,) long streaks and how you used the white of the paper to your advantage and creating shine on the dog's fur was great. The self-portrait one needs a bit of work's not bad! it's good but you could have made it better by working with the eyes and hair a little bit. Nice shadowing though. The newspaper one must have been a pain in the ass but overall it was well done =) it reminds of the movement Dada. Scientific drawing: Nice color selection. My favorite part of this drawing is the robotic leg, the coloring and the drawing itself is great. How you chose the right colors for it to create a 3-dimensional look on it (the left of the leg) was real good. The water bottles, like I already told you, remind me of Cezanne's work =D you'd make a good cubism artist buuuut you could have made the water a little biiit more clear and it would've a bit more good. The figure drawing one is good if you stuck to the rough draft thing. Rough drafting doesn't have to be exactly perfect but you could have worked a little bit on the face in the second drawing and also on the legs too, they look a little out of proportion but overall,like I said, good for a rough draft. I can tell that you have progressed in your drawing and shading skills =D it takes a bit more practice I would love to see you draw the figure drawing but not a rough draft but real thing!