Well i dont know how to put images on here and well i try but i never shows so here is the link for my emo grape on my DA account so enjoy :) http://decembersfang.deviantart.com/art/emo-grape-111387113
...Well that was mighty random, but it made me laugh all the same. Funny stuff.( Though I couldn't read what it said in the speech bubble) xD Btw, to put images on here, paste the actual url of your image between . :3
thanks the idia just came to me and i tried that but it only shows a box with an x in it not the picture
lolz - very random and if it shows up as an X - DA can do that - try uploading it to tinypic and then put it around image tags
That grape is most certainly very emo xD You should do ALL food lol. I wonder what it would look like in a anime o.o
I saw the words "emo" and "grape" beside each other, and I almost didn't want to know. Almost. Urrrmmm.... cute? xD
Its cute. And oh so very....depressing, me thinks. Hehe....never thought anyone would ever say emo grape.
thanks for commenting everybody i may make an bannana thats on crack xD sometimes im afraid of my randomness :)