I've heard of a 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Anybody else heard of this. thanks ahead of time.
That series sucked since the first movie. And yes, I've heard this. It won't be about Will and Elizabeth. I heard something about Barbossa and Jack looking for the Fountain of Youth.
;~; Yeah, I even heard that Will and Elizabeth aren't even in it, since the director got fed up of them being paid so much :v The focus is mainly on Jack and a more "typical pirate" storyline.
The awesome in this series has to peak at some point. Afterwards it all will become a giant commercial whore, rather than being taken out behind the shed and put out of it's misery like that dog in Of Mice and Men. Pirates of The Caribbean will eventually become some whored-out and horrible thing on life support that we will all despise, simply because people will not stop making/attempting to make money out of it. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.
that was a good one but i like the 4th one best yeah i loved the end of 3 cause that how i like ending jack goes and be a pirtate and out smarts barbosa one last time and drinks his ram now thats a good ending also it could be worse like they make a tv show lol XD i allready got the mustache i need the beard and to be buffed out too St. Augustine here i come