'Ello, I'm Anime Monster

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by animemonster, Jul 17, 2007.

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  1. animemonster Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2007
    The World That Never Was
    IF A MOD OR SOMEONE SEES THIS ONE! PLEASE DELETE IT, I accidently double posted, I didn't mean too...

    Hello, I am Anime Monster. I recently got into Kingdom Hearts (a travesty, I should have started playing the games ages ago) and enjoy it very much.

    My favorite charters are:

    1. Axel (I watched the Re: Chain of Memories cut scenes that are subbed in english and fell in love with his character. Before I watched those he was tied for first place with my second favorite character).
    2. Demyx (He's the funniest dorkiest ever, and probably one of the toughest bosses in Kindom Hearts II, at least in my opinion.)
    3. Zexion (I haven't seen a lot of the cut scenes with him in them, at least not in a language I understand, but I already like him)

    The only character, so far, I can't stand is Riku, and I know I'll get flamed for that one by all that fan girls who'll all say essentially the same thing: "OMG!!!111 HoW CaN U NoT lik Riku?" or something to that effect. If you can't speak in anything BUT chat-speak (lingo, what ever anyone is calling it today) then please don't say anything (I don't mind the occasional "lol" or "OMG" but as you can see in this post, I prefer proper sentences and capitalization). There are lots of reasons I don't like Riku, and if someone asks, I'll organize my thoughts on it enough to say something other than, "I just don't like him."

    Which brings me to another pet peeve of mine...Riku/Sora (or the vice-versa). I'll admit it right now: I'm a yaoi fan girl, however, I can not stand Riku/Sora (or the vice-versa). I don't understand all the people who say it's canon or subtext, or anything. It might just be because I dislike Riku, or that it's the most over used yaoi pairing I've ever seen in a fandom, or something else that I can't even name, but I don't like it. This one I don't have clear thoughts on. I like just about every other Kingdom Hearts pairing I've read: Axel/Roxas, Axel/Sora, Axel/Demyx, Demyx/Sora, Roxas/Sora, Xemnas/Saix, etc. (or the vice-versas).

    Anyways, now that I've gotten significantly off topic, and bored anyone reading this to death, I'll get back on topic, which was introducing myself.

    Yes, I am Anime Monster, I'm a writer and reader of fan fiction (particularly of the yaoi variety). I like Kingdom Hearts (particularly KH2), Final Fantasy VII, DNAngel, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, Fruits Basket, Inu-Yasha, and Artemis Fowl. I am by far not a grammer nazi (or a spelling one for that matter) but I prefer that I can read what is being said to me, rather than going: wtf? I also don't mind random Japanese, either.

    Other places you may find me regularly:
    Novice Writers (I'm a global mod)
    Without Him...Without Her (I'm a moderator)
    The Holy Wood (which I'll be on a lot more when I finally get an RP idea)
    My Livejournal (I'm actually on communities more than my own journal).
    My ff.net Profile (I haven't posted anything here in awhile...mostly because I've been writing almost nothing but smut...)
    My Adult Fan Fiction Profile (in the Video Games/RPG section) (more of my recent stories are on aff.net)
    My Ficwad Profile

    Other ways of contacting me:
    Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger): animemonster88@yahoo.com
    Email: animemonster88@gmail.com (if you send me chain letters or spam I'll be very angry)
    PM me on the first two forums listed or here.

    Now do I get an award for writing a novel?
  2. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Howdy. Welcome to the forums.

    *hands this thread the Pulitzer Prize*

    EDIT: My apologies if this was the one meant to be deleted. XDD Hopefully the appropriate mod will merge the two and delete the necessary posts.
  3. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Ello ello. You seem like a fun person. You're welcome to post, have fun, read the rules, and never change your username.
  4. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    why, hello! I'm eastercat. ewww...yaoi....jkjk I'm ok with the whole yaoi business. Well, hope to see ya around. =D
  5. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    Nice intro. Well welcome to the forums. Just remember the rules, post a lot and have fun. Hope to see you around. Welcome again.
  6. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Well, I think you'll like this forum. Most members agree on the whole "typing out full words......" thing =_=

    Riku's one of my favorite characters, so out of sheer curiosity, I want to see what part of him some people don't like, and since you offered to tell, I'd be glad to listen ^^

    But yeah, Zexion's the best, I wish he had an English voice...

    Well, be see'n ya! Stay active, there's always something to do here.
  7. ~Misa-Chan~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 16, 2007
    I want to goo zee moon :O *points at moon*
    Hi and welcome to the forums..just remember to read the rules post lots and have fun! hope to see you around welcome again ^_^
  8. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Read and follow the rules, post much, spam only in the spam zone, and have fun.

  9. animemonster Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2007
    The World That Never Was
    I'm hoping the two threads I accidently created were merged or one of them was deleted. I honestly didn't mean to post twice, I got signed out while typing and then hit back because I didn't want to lose my post, only to find I had to sign in to get to it, too. So I signed in, found my post whole and posted it. Somehow during that it posted twice.

    Warnings for Spoilers of Kingdom Hearts I and II and probably no COM spoilers.

    Well since, iwantedtoexplode, wanted to hear why I don't like Riku, I've compiled a list.

    1) I have not finished Kingdom Hearts 1 (I can't get past Maleficent Dragon, when I play it next I'm going to go level up before trying again), but from what I've seen of him, he seems like a selfish, excuse my language, *******. Maybe it's unfair of me to think that, but everytime Sora and friends run into him he seems to jump to conclusions and the like. Allow me to provide some examples.

    A) On Destiny Islands, he and Sora seem to have some competition going. At the time, I was like, okay, at least he provides some valuable experiance points and a minigame. I was realitively neutral to the characters when I started the game, though (truthfully, I don't like Wakka's voice, at least in English).

    B) When Destiny Islands is being destroyed by Darkside, and you run into Riku, he reaches out for Sora to come to him, why didn't he try to meet Sora half-way? Through out the game, he seems to want Sora to come to him, but he never makes an effort to meet him half-way, this is even seen in the opening animation.

    C) For awhile you don't see Riku agian and in attempt to find Riku and Kairi, Sora teams up with Donald and Goofy who are also looking for someone, their king. When next we see Riku, he acts jealous, and doesn't bother to think that making new friends doesn't mean he's forgeting his old ones, in fact he formed the friendships to have help in his search.

    D) Monstero, Sora finds out that Riku has joined with the very people who destroyed the islands, yet he still wants to give Riku a chance. Sora sets himself up for more hurt as it is obvious that Riku is now an enemy.

    E) Perhaps what made me actually dislike Riku the most was Neverland. When Sora finds out Kairi's in Neverland, what does he attempt to do? He attempts to rescue her, however, Riku keeps her away from him. When Sora is seperated from Donald and Goofy and runs into Riku he asks about his friends, not realizing Riku is the one with Kairi. Riku then seems to decide that Sora doens't care about his friends, which is farther from the truth.

    Okay, maybe, I should finish the first game, because despite how much of a ******* Riku is during it, Sora still wants to find him.

    2) In Kingdom Hearts II I REALLY don't understand Riku's problem. Riku has the power to help Sora, but he spends all his time hiding from Sora, all because he's got the looks of Xemnas' heartless, at least that's what I gather. When the two finally reunite, he tries to leave, when Sora obviously wants him to stay, and seems to understand what he did and why he did it. It's only Kairi who keeps Riku from leaving. Again, Riku doesn't want to meet Sora half-way, he keeps making Sora do all the hard work, Sora kills most of the organization, Sora prevents all the worlds being destroyed, Sora rescues him and Kairi, etc. etc. etc. Sora does all the hard work, who's the older of the two?

    3) The third reason I don't like Sora might be the share amount of Riku/Sora yaoi on the internet. And I mean in that order. Yes, the yaoi fans are not helping my dislike for Riku. Is it so difficult to have Riku bottom? Hell, with the way Kingdom Hearts makes the dynamics of their relationship, he should be bottom, he doesn't do any of the really hard work, that's all Sora, why should it change in bed?

    Anways, three reasons why I don't like Riku, with some detail. I know my arguements are realitively see through, but I doubt there's anything that can change my opinion of Riku. I will finish Kingdom Hearts I (and when/if Re: Chain of Memories comes out in English, I'll play that too...).
  10. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Jesus Christ your posts are long...

    I don't have that kind've time?
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    @ your last post.

    FINISH KH1. It'll explain a lot. And as for KH2, Riku hides because he's ashamed.

    But anyway, welcome to the forums.
  12. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Hole**** at your posts.
    Anywayz, have fun and post... a little less actuallty... xD
    Just kidding, look over the rules and post alot ;).
  13. animemonster Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2007
    The World That Never Was
    I aplogize for my long posts. I am a writer, after all, long posts come naturally.

    I forgot to say thank you, last time, for all the people that have welcomed me. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling...well a fuzzy feeling, I think the warmth is from my laptop...which reminds me...I need to get my laundry...

    Okay, that was random...There is a reason I shouldn't post after 1 in the morning...
  14. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Well even though I already talked to ya, Welcome!!
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