No, Reptar does corgi gifs. Kitty does FFXIII gifs. Ventus108 does Legend of Zelda gifs. Have you been paying attention?
Only Charizard and Gyrados aren't weak against it, and those two have much worse weaknesses (4x Rock for the first, 4x Electric the second)
I didn't bother with Ice types, I used an Onix to beat him since most of his Pokemon are part flying type. How. so?
When you have time, please take a gander at the levels of his Pokemon in his Generation II incarnation.
So do I. Dratini evolve at level 36, you can catch Wild Dragonair at level 27 in the Safari Zone in Fucshia City. I have no Idea where wild Dragonite may be.
Lance has a secret Dragonair/Dragonite harem under the Indigo Plateau? Not only is he dragon fetishist, he also uses it as a breeding mill.