effing eeefffffffffffff

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by SpazticFantaztic >:3, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    so i've never had a tv in my room. never ever. my house is never clean, either. i had this idea where, maybe, we could take the smallish flatscreen in our house's den, which is completely messed up so that you can barely walk around in it, let alone site and play PS2 in it, and put it in my room. And we could also hook up my Wii to it, which is in the house's living room, which I never get to use because someone is always watching to TV it's hooked up to because THE DEN IS A MESS.

    We would use the TV that'd be going in my room as my computer's monitor, across from the sofa in my room, it'd be perfect. So yesterday I asked my parents about doing this, and my dad seemed fine with it and my mom didn't say anything. So I asked my dad again today and he said we could do it. I was reallly happy all day waiting to come home from Teen Court for this to happen, and so I could play WoW because I was sure it would be finished patching for patch 4.0, and guess what? My dad and mom discussed it. All of a sudden my mom says she doesn't wanna do it, and after talking about it to them allllll dinner it's still a steadfast no. Like wtf

    In addition, WoW STILL ISN'T DONE PATCHING because it says I don't have enough disk space. SO I HAVE TO UNINSTALL ALL OF WOW FROM MY COMPUTER, then reinstall from the website. I'm effing pissed

    teal dear version: bipolar parents + boring room + no wow = effing sad SpazStick

    ooonnnn the good side though, nothing was LOST, i'll get to play WoW while it's patching, and i still have an amazing girlfriend
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    All I know is

    Ah, Eff was awesome.
  3. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Hey, at least you parents discussed it. Mine won't even consider letting me have a T.V. in my room.
  4. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    We couldn't Move the t.v to my room... so we moved my room to the t.v. Worked out fine.