Okay, if this becomes almost resemblant to that of my other thread I posted, I'm sorry. But I'm finding it almost irritating now that my life is like this. Commence rant. My life is so damn empty. You probably would have gathered this if you read my thread on boredom, but theres so much more than that. My motivation to do ANYTHING has completely dissappeared, and I'll usually either finding myself sleeping for hours and hours on end, and then just going to school the next day, and sleeping again, or just staring dryly at my computer screen. I think I've found why this is. I really, really, need somebody that I can trust. I think I can say with complete confidence that every single one of my immediate friends has ****ed me over once in a while, hence that I trust literally, nobody around me. And then people wonder why I'm so antisocial. But theres been so much times where I've needed somebody there for me, and nobody's been there. It's like I'm left to do everything spontaneously. I mean, I don't mind individuality, but it gets lonely after time when you're stuck leaning against the wall at school while you see about 4 groups of friends socialise with each other. Another matter I have before I bore you all to death. I think I'm lovesick. I mean, theres nobody right now that I have a crush on(And I am telling the truth here. Seriously.), but I just feel like I want to be...special to somebody. Eh. I'm probably talking sh*t here, and I'm not surprised if I am. But if any of you have any advice, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'm sort've feeling like I'm in the dumps right now. >.> EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised if this gets ignored.
I've been in your situation a few times in life. It's always been hard for me to socialize because I'm straight-edge. Everyone smokes, everyone drinks, everyone parties, I don't. It's rather irritating to be that one person who's left out of the loop. You sound like somebody like that too. Talk to people in school, but once you walk out of that building it's like you don't have anyone? There's little advice to give to you about how to solve this. Find one close friend. That's all you need. Someone who shares your interests and life-style. Maybe you just need to get past this phase of your life before something changes. If you're in high-school, it might change in college or if you randomly pick up a new hobby. Don't expect it to just change though. You have to push for it and try. tl;dr, this is very normal and common for people to go through, unless you're that insanely popular kid who's life is going to end up **** anyways.
I'm sorry if I can't help, because I'm not good at things like this, but I'll do the best you can. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions, but it sounds like you're depressed. Have you tried talking to your parents about this? Or anyone else you trust? I know you mentioned you don't have friends, but you do have someone you trust in your life, don't you? D: If you're depressed, that might explain why you don't want to do anything. You said that you've lost all your immediate friends, but is there anyone you talk to at school that you want to get to know better? You could try talking to them some more. I'm sorry if I'm not helping, but I'm really not good at things like this. But you need to tell someone that you feel this way, because being sad isn't something you should just accept. Again, I'm sorry if this didn't help. :/
Cheers, people who actually bothered to post. I feel a bit better today, but that's because I basically missed half the school day. >_> Nope. Like I said, I trust...literally, nobody. Not even family, in fact, I pretty much hate my family, but I'm not going to get into that. Also, I don't tell people about this because at most, if not all times, I know the person that I'm speaking to is an untrustworthy ass who is bound to have either ****ed me over in the past or is about to **** me over. Plus, finding people who have the same interests as me is out of the question. I'm the only one of my kind in the school, and it sucks. Jesus, I sound like some whiny little kid.
Sorry, I really don't know what to do. I've never been in a situation like this, so... :/ Still, it helps to vent. Just give a hollar if you want to talk, all right?
Same problem as me lol... i have no motivation for anything i'm a senior in high school and have sent out ONE college application, havent applied for any scholarships and just sleep or watch tv all day. i have lots of friends but no REAL friends, the best thing to do is to change something in your life, something MAJOR. For me: that change is college, as soon as i move out, im plannin on a different life.
Well, you know I wouldn't wish anyone your current situation to anyone. Lets start from the beggining. You don't trust anyone, because they have butchered the trust you placed in them, but in the end no one is asking you to trust them with your life or your secrets as they will most likely do the same thing, you don't need to trust them with your life, just be friendly. chances are that when you present yourself to be friendly , they will most likely see you as an actual friend. One other thing I must tell you. You can't expect the world to make a U turn to make you feel happy. It just won't. The lifes filled with movie fantasies are not real, and that sucks; but its also no reason to reject the struggles the world has burdened you with. A very special friend once told me: "We are like fish, sometimes we go with a group, but eventually we sometimes go alone and onto the next group..." At first I rejected this; I wanted friends to be with me forever and not separate each other. I wanted to have my friends be more than just classmates. But that didn't work out at all; and being depressive and by myself either. I just did what I wanted. I made a change. No magical new-kid or popular kind kid will come out of nowhere to take you out of the stagnant cycle of monotonous school days. I was responsible for finding happiness. I couldn't just stay put with the fact that my life was unfair or not all it was knocked out to be. I would just have to pursuit the things I wanted on a different outlook. As for being that special someone....Who knows maybe you already are, but haven't realized it yet. But it still boils down to the same thing. I know life isn't as its knocked out to be, but there's really nothing we can do about that but submit it to our desires. I'm sorry if I'm not being helpful at all.
Well, you are depressed and that is something you have to get over. You aren't going to be happy until you stop focusing so much on what you expect from others to make your life complete. That's the sad situation of this. Friends let us down. This is why it's important to understand that you trust a person to be who that person is, and not who we want that person to be. No one is capable of meeting up to anyone's demands as to what the ideal friend is. Sometimes people can 'screw you over' and not even have meant to do so. Others are better left as acquaintances instead of friends because they are very fair weather associates. Try to not be too critical on them and you might find out that some of them are actually alright. Also, branch out a bit more and meet some other people. You'll find a good friend or two out of the bunch of people around. It can take time, but just remember to not put too much on them. As for the wanting to give the love you have to someone else who isn't around yet, why not try to just help out some other people and just well, try caring more about yourself too? If you have a lot of love to give, use it for other things and when you do get a relationship, you have had practice doing good things. Maybe also try doing some extra-curricular things and doing some hobby or something to spread yourself out and do something positive for you. Care about yourself and don't be too harsh on things. In the end, maybe it's time to try to forgive what these people have done to wrong you that aren't so bad and put the other things behind you that are and just accept those people that were really doing crummy acts don't deserve what you have to offer. Don't hold onto your misery because some people can be jerks. Let the jerks go basically and try to be amiable with the ones who wonder why you are being anti-social. It means they probably don't want you to be and would like to see you come out more often and hang out. School is just sucky sometimes and that's the way it's going to be. There are a lot of self-absorbed people there, and you have to sift through the bad stuff to find what's good. You sound like a nice person that's just been disappointed by what others have done and that you would not yourself want to do. Some people would really value a person like you as a friend so don't go giving up. Put the past behind you if you can and try to get out there more because those people who screwed you over aren't what's important. They teach you that not all people can be trusted to be great friends. However, it doesn't mean all people are like that and even some of those that messed up can change given the proper motivation. Never make yourself suffer more for what others do to you. Let it go and keep trying. I hope you will feel better and you have better luck in your future with friends. You deserve that.