Well, I was reading the newspaper and found a tibit on it, they already found Eclipse's director, can anyone geuss who it is? 30 days of night's Director David Slade is doing the third book in the twilight series in movie form *SQUEE* Thoughts?
I'm pretty sure the director will be Chris Weitz. It should be a million times better than twilight with the werewolves xD.
This is going to be interesting. Three movies, three directiors. Oh and Dakota Fanning's playing Jane FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
(Did Rayku just go, and I quote, "SQUEE"? o.o) The movies are discouraging me from liking the Twilight series at all. It was just that bad. I don't really have high hopes for the future movies in the series. A Breaking Dawn movie spells out imminent catastrophe, imo. =/
Yes I squeed Her.....Because he might do the movie justice, and if he does Breaking Dawn, where all the action is..even better.
The book had potential for a good drama movie but the actual movie sucked. Eclipse seems like it'd be good because of the action and New Moon might be alright depending on how they direct, I think the meeting with the Volturi might be good.