Eating Problem?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Korosu, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Lately, I've been feeling really uncomfortable whenever I'm eating in front of people both at school and at home. I feel like they’re judging me and this really upsets me especially at school for example I buy a smoothie and a small cupcake for my lunch go sit down on the table where my friends are sat, most of them smile at me and carry on eating but there one or two who give me a disapproving look like I’m not allowed to eat or that I’m so fat for having one cupcake. I rarely get anything from the school canteen but when I do I always get these disapproving looks either by people in the upper and lower years or the two girls I mentioned. Like I said it’s been really upsetting me and its drove me to a point where I didn’t eat anything at all for five days.
    Now this part is going to sound silly but when I’m at home I feel like I’m being judged on what I’m eating by my younger siblings they too give me these disapproving looks so I generally try to avoid eating at home. On the Thursday just gone after just skipping lunch at school for three days I got something to eat when I sat down with my bottle of water and a slice of pizza somebody said to me

    “Oh my god! Kelly you f.cking pig!’ (The person who said this was not joking)

    Most of my friends and one of the popular girls passing heard this and stuck up for me saying that I not a pig, I’m not fat if anything I need to put on weight because of how skinny I am. But it really got to me so I didn’t eat anything the following day or for most of today.

    I’ve also found myself eating less and less and I getting fulled up quicker I think it’s because my body storing the food I do eat into fat? But I’m unsure. My mum has noticed this eating less in me and tried to give me more food but I just end up eat a few pieces of what’s on the plate and leave the table. She’s been trying to compliment me by saying how she wishes she was as skinny as me etc and trying to get me to eat more by sneaking a chocolate bar into my bag when I’m not looking. I can’t really talk to my parents since there answers when I normally talk about my weight are ‘Don’t be stupid! You’ve skinny not fat’

    So yeah I feel uncomfortable when I’m eating. Any advice on to deal with this? It will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I know this isn't really an easy method of dealing with this situation, but I have to say: Screw them. Really. What you eat is no business of theirs. A cupcake? A single slice of pizza? Since when does eating that constitute you as a pig? It makes me just so angry to hear people treating someone like that.
    If you fell you need to lose weight, exercise more. Don't starve yourself, that doesn't accomplish anything other than hurting your health. No one, no one needs to starve oneself for anything or anyone. From reading your post, I don't get the impression that you do need to lose weight anyway. The word "fat" is tossed around lazily these days, and if someone calls you "fat" or a "pig", that often means they are jealous of your figure. When someone calls you "skinny", on the other hand, that usually means you really are on the thin side.

    About your siblings, if you feel they are bothering you about it, you should tell your parent(s). You have the right to feel safe when simply eating in your own home.

    Also, about you getting fuller quicker, that's not your body storing fat. Quite the opposite; your stomach has shrunk because you are eating less, thus it takes less to feel full. Feeling full quick does not mean you need to eat less.

    Hun, if anyone at school bothers you about it again, do your best to pay them no mind. I know it's tough, and they may sound like they mean it, but they are only really calling themselves that.
    Oh, and flip 'em the bird for me. <3
  3. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    It is quite hard for me to just ignore them since I'm over sensitive(according to my mother) and I do care about what people think about me. I've already followed some of your advice by telling my mum how eating in my home make me feel she said she'll have a word with my siblings. Thank you for advice Luna. <3 Dont worry I will flip 'em the bird for you.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    In all honesty, I agree with Luna in terms of screw them. Other than that, just keep your head up. And if it bothers you that much then maybe you should confront them. Look back like, "Yes? Need something?"

    I for one am an extremely slow eater. I used to get stared at a lot for it. I'd always be the last one to finish my food, and still am. But after a while I was just like, "Look. I eat slow. Deal with it." and eventually after confronting them, they started leaving me alone.

    All in all. If you feel that you have a eating problem or are developing one, I suggest you talk to someone you trust about it. I'm extremely sensitive myself so I know it's hard to just ignore them, but they might not know it bothers you so much if you don't say something about it.

    Good luck with this though. I'm sorry to hear about it.

  5. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    I agree with the both of them, those people can **** off sorry for my language it just tees me off when people call other people names like fat or pig, and in a way I kinda know how you feel I would get made fun of because of my weight alot in school though I lost quite a bit a weight since then it's hurtful when people say things to you like that, beleave me I've had to deal with it in school myself though I'm out of school now thing's like that just sicken me to the point of giving them the finger but ya like jayn said confront them tell them you don't appreciate there comments and to step off about your own buisness. keep your head up don't let people get to you ignore them or confront them what ever you feel comfurtable doing to get them off your back and if they don't quit then tell the staff or a principal. So yeah hang in there.^_^