I like this girl in my building that I live in, and I have asked for opinions on how to approach her with some of my female friends. The general consesus seems to be that I go clubbing or whatever with the group she hangs out with and later ask her out or hang out a bit with the group a lit bit more until I can fully gage about how she feels about me. I would like a third opinion - this time from the interwebz How is the best way to approach a girl which you've kind of flirted and joked around with since the start of March?
go up to her have a llaugh let her see you for who you are for a few days then ask her to hang out with you some time.
Uh I really don't think that that is the best way to approach the subject but who knows?? What I would do is show her what you truly are (sounds wrong... haha! XD) and make yourself more known to her. Possibly hosting a party so that she could get to know you better? That's what I have done in the past. All ya have to do is reel her in for the kill! (METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING!!) Hope it helps and uh good luck buddy! I know how it is, it is hard but don't let that convince you otherwise!
I allready do the have a "laugh let her see you for who you are for a few days" stage mastered - we see each other almost every day and chat a bit about things both seriously and for fun. So do you mean just knock on her door and ask if she wanted to hang out with her friends or just her and I? EDIT: there must be a bit of confusion, when I say I live in the same building I don't have a apartment - I live in a hostel and have one bedroom and she has one bedroom along with about 20 other people in the building, and the hostel has about 180 people total. I can't really throw a party in my room but I can go clubbing really easily - town is 5 minutes walk away.
I wouldn't do that approach. That just seems a bit weird to me. No OFFENSE! Maybe just like an outing and when everyone is in their own thing, ask her privately? Maybe??
Don't ease your way in, if you've talked with her since March, and you've liked her this long, then you should have done something a long time ago. Have some confidence, go for it. Also, don't go clubbing with her and her friends, that's slowing putting yourself in the friend zone. Take her out on a date, let her know you're interested. I'm not the biggest player in the world, but I've gone through enough for you to trust me.
Well this bein the case while your having one of yhour chats why not just say "hey...we should hang out some time how 'bout it?" if she says ok ask what she wants to do nd take it from there...best of luck at getting the girl my friend
Ok the thing is when I first asked someone they said hang out and then ask but i'll ask her in one of our chats. Although we see each other around I don't think we are like friends, so I'll ask her tonight and tell you guys the result :) EDIT: if you wanna know the result. I'm cool if you don't.
i'd say talk to her face to face privately but try to get her alone. A girl myself i hate when guys ask me in front of the whole school....so annoying >_< good luck!
Just have the usual laugh with her but this time say something like (While smiling I might add) 'This is cool' (Laugh) 'Do you wanna..' (Make it look like its the first time you thought about it) '...go out somewhere?' (NEVER EVER say 'Sometime',it makes it sound suggestible)
This good question Well wat you can do is just be yourself. Nothing that really doesn't fit you(Like if you don't like clubbing then don't do it).You have to take it easy wen going up to her. Don't come on to strong, or to weak. Just go up to her like you would any person that you hang with. Then if you guys get to talking. Then find out wat she like and dislikes. That way you'll know wat to do. And wat not to do.
Okay sorry about the delay about updating you guys, but unfortunately when I decided to have a briefing with my close friends, one of them said that she knew that the girl I was going to go out with had just come out of a relationship and the breakup was pretty bad, another said ask anyway to see where I stand with her and because I was still thinking about it I went and talked to another friend of the group privately to see his thoughts. He said that the girl I was gonna ask out had talked a bit with him and he knows another guy in the hostel had asked her out and she was a bit distressed about it because of just having a bad breakup. So I have decided with this information to wait untill next trimester and waiting untill she's ready for a new realtionship. Lol it's not a decision I like but I want to make sure that it's a good relationship for both of us and I don't want her to be brooding about the past when she's with me.