It's tonight, yup yup. Some of you have probably already done it considering time zones. I believe it's 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Take a stand against global warming!
Since my lights in my dorm are burnt out right now anyways, I guess I'll be participating. Maybe I won't open my fridge for that one hour... lol.
Hm... sounds fun. I don't think my parents will participate though... >< As much as I really want to. I mean, it'll be dark for an hour? 8D Coolio!
It sounds like lots of fun to me! :D I'll be doing this for sure, and my mom thinks it's cool, too. We're gonna take a walk around the neighborhood to see how many people are doing it ^_^
Unfortunately, this will barely have any effect on the general public. It's a nice thought and a good effort, but it won't prove a thing. I'll participate, but it won't get all people on earth to become eco-friendly.
I wanted to do it, but my mom got mad at me when I turned everything off, so I guess my family isn't supporting Earth Hour. =/ I was normally going to just turned off all the lights in my room, but it felt werid.
Unfortunately, one hour a year with the lights off isn't gonna change much. I did it, but it's not gonna help much.
I'd do it but it just depends what I'll do during that hour. XD Also, I would do it if I was home alone but I'm not. My brothers are here and I doubt one of them will want to do it. And like Renegade said, it's a nice thought but it won't do much with others.
It sounds like such a good idea. I can't wait. It sounds like fuuuun. Whhheeee! I'm totally doing it.
I was going to do it. I did my part kinda. My bro was still playing games and had the lights on but I turned off the lights when I took a shower. I had a candle lit instead. So, in a way I did my part. I turned off everything I was using.
I'm glad to see that this really was an international thing, I was kinda iffy if it was an early April Fool prank commercial or not. Well we had family over, and I managed to convice them to turn most of the lights off. Most. There was this show they had to see and we had my baby niece over so we needed some light to keep an eye on her - other than that most of the lights were off. It felt pretty nice to just sit in a dark room with only candles lit. :3 Though only for that hour lol, I depend a lot on electricity I must confess. My neighbour did no effort for this though - lol.
Well since no - one told me it was on till AFTER it finished... i didn't do it. but we turned off our lights and powere when we were going to bed... though that lasted more than an hour.....
I did was kind of odd because I must have been the only person in my dorm to do so, despite there being a huge Facebook group thing going on for it before hand. It's a nice idea, but I doubt it will do much in the long run. Kinda like that "Tv Turn-off Day/Week" thing.
I did it, we turned off all the lights and everything else, except the comuter-the computer is too special to be turned off :D