okay i wasnt shore where to put this so i put i here okay i though it would be smart to let people on this site know i have a learning disablity called dyslexia now for those of you who dont know what dyslexia is it a disablity where its hard for me to spell things and understand alot of other stuff it also mies up my letters so some might of write one thing but i'm reading another and and one more thing there is like different levels of dyslexia there can be people who would be fine even if they had it or people like me who would have to be taken out of lauge classes like french and spanish because they would be to hard for me now if anybody else has any questions about dyslexia just post here and ill try to answer your question
bbad ebnough to get me out of any language besides english and have to go to a second school after school some times
A second school? what does that mean? and when i first started high school , i was taken out of most subjects , such as , Languages , history , music drama and geographiy , due to dyslexia i think , now i'm in this small group of people in certain lessons , so you have special needs?
ya i'm in them but i only get them when everyone else in school except a few other people are in irish so thats five resourse classes a week but i never got taken out of history our anything like that just languages
In my high school, you were allowed to have oral exams if you were bad at writing down your thoughts. As such my case, or you had a disability that affected your writing/spelling. I have a very minor case, meaning a bad sense of direction, not being able to tell left from right most of the time and messing up on words. I've had years of therapy to get to my point where it barely affects me anymore with my disabilities. I would ask for tests where you can do the answers orally with a writer beside you to write down the answers. It helps a lot, trust me. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My brother was diagnosed in his high school senior year with a learning disability much worse than mine. It should be offered since it sounds like you're in the U.S. I also highly, HIGHLY recommend reading: "The Short Bus" it's for anyone with disabilities and the author was not only learning disabled but dyslexic who got a masters in writing. Another girl I read about has dyslexia and became a vetinarian. Don't allow others to dictate your life. I worked hard despite everything everyone told me with my mom's support to get where I was when everyone else said I couldn't.
I don't have dyslexia but I do have learning disabilities so I know what it's like to stuggle with school work I had a hard time in certain classes with school work so I either had to have a perra or special accomidations.
There's also a program called: "Dragon Naturally Speaks." It's more expensive, but you speak into a microphone and it types up what you say onto the screen with it correctly spelled. I've seen it used with someone who can't use their hands well.
One thing that I'd like to get out here is that "disabled" is, at least in my opinion, an incorrect term. Just because you have something wrong with your brain doesn't mean you are totally unable to do certain things. Most dyslexic people are able to read and write at only a slightly lower level than average (and higher in some cases that aren't as rare as people think) after being given the right kind of help. In some rare cases (like mine) people don't even use many of the accommodations offered to them. Among the accommodations that I am offered are: Testing in a separate room Extra time for tests during class Turning in all homework for the week on Friday instead of the day it's due (Except big things like month long projects) And a few others that are easily accessible to neurotypicals who know the system well enough anyway. I only use that first one, and even then only during exam weeks. And I'm doing just fine. On Dyslexia: Yes, it can be a disability, but only in cases that for Autism and Mental ******ation would be called "low functioning." I believe that's called Word Blindness for Dyslexia. Correct me if I'm wrong. Sorry for the rant (if it is one), I'm just sick and tired of people using disability and disorder interchangeably. They aren't the same thing. A disability prevents a person from being able to use certain skills while a disorder forces it to be learned in an unconventional way. High and mid-functioning Autism, high functioning Mental ******ation, ADD, ADHD, synesthesia, and most if not all forms of Dyslexia are disorders, not disabilities.
You have to realize disability is a word that has been used for most of my life. Mental ******ation is the equivilant when I was growing up calling an African American the N word. It was used a lot, but my parents would act the same way as me saying ******ed to the same way if I used again, any curse word. When I was a kid, there was no high-functioning, low-functioning or any other labels to the disabilities. The reason why my older brother wasn't diagnosed into his senior year was because no one tested back those days to SEE if there was a problem. The reason why I was diagnosed so early was because I showed very early signs of having what is now called Asburgers. Which is a combination of Autism, ADHD and a learning disability. I didn't speak until I was six years old, I didn't hear until I was three, when I was growing up, anyone with a mental disorder as you put it. I will never call it what you do, btw, was labeled as learning disabled/autistic/adhd and so on. A hundred years ago, if you were in ANY way mentally or physically disabled, you went into an insane asylum or on the streets to beg. Helen Keller and many others made huge strides to improve peoples with disabilities, whether it be physical, mental, or any others, lives. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was made around the seventies or eighties if my memory serves correctly. It's only been very recent that people with ANY disability/disorder have been able to go to school, let alone attend class, or have handicapped facilities for people in wheelchairs. Service dogs have become an add-on even later than that. Today, yes, we have made major improvements on finding out the different disorders/disabilities of people and thankfully are catching it a lot sooner. But when I was a kid, most kids who were diagnosed early ended up in an institution with a crash helmet where they literally ran into walls all day. My mom dug her heels in to stop me from going, and after seeing what happened to several classmates of mine when they did make the transition to regular school, it was a disaster in most cases. A lot barely recovered or didn't at all due to the early education. I had an uphill battle to reach where I have, and yes, I had a ton of teasing. I was a loner and got bullied constantly through all grades because of my disability. I sucked it up in most cases and yes, under your definition of disorder, I do have one. But I grew up using that word and having ******ation being used as a swear, or a derogatory term. The word disorder was NEVER used to define what I had. Neither was high-functioning autism or asbergers until I would say the last three to five years ago. It's a habit that will take me a long time to break, and it won't happen every time I hear a rant telling me every time I say it I'm wrong and I should say it the PC way. Even if you are right, which I don't know if you are. And yes, there are a ton of different parts of the special education (again, what it was called when I was in high school) program. There's even more when you go to college. Including one great one in Maine called North Star that offered me counseling, tutoring and several other things when I was going through community college. You can find a lot of help out there.
I'm dyslexic, but instead of having it when I was little and growing out of it, I just got it a few years ago. It's very irritating, especially for someone like me who read college level books at age 13 and want to be an author someday. I still read books a lot, but it drives me crazy when I read words wrong, I feel like I should know better, you know what I'm saying? And I'm still planning on being a writer, but it would be a lot easier if I didn't have to hit "backspace" so often. I don't have it really badly yet, but it's getting worse. I forgot which way a "3" faced the other day, and froze 'cause I didn't know how to write it. That was humiliating. And then I'm always reading words wrong when reading things, like "symantec" turned into "syntax" the other day, and the member -dinamplified turned into -dimples for me not too long ago. Yeah, it gets pretty irritating.
how long have you had it for? Because if you've had it for a few years or so, or even a year, you sure can hide it pretty well. I still remember when i first met you, and RPed with you, and you had pretty good grammar and spelling then. I would never have guessed you had dyslexia o.o
My dearest has dyslexia, made it very difficult for her to learn to read and write when she was young and the imbeciles at her school didn't cater to that for some time, even after many attempts she made to plead that she had dyslexia and was not a slacker. She did in fact shove the idiots heads up their butts when she learned how to read, write, etc. she gives living proof to me every day that you can get past things if you work hard. Among other reasons she's amazing.
I know a few people who have dyslexia, but they don't seem to have any major problems with it. Isn't it so that in the most cases you grow out of it? If so, I believe most of my friends have grown out of it, as they are around the age of 20.
Yeah, well, it's a lot easier for me than for most people, because I already knew how to write and read when I got it, so I never had to struggle with learning to read, it's more like I just messup now and just try again. Also, as for writing, I have an editor's mind, I spot typo's and misspelled words whenever I see them, so I can edit my posts very well. So yeah, most people don't see the mistakes I make, because I edit them out before I post.
My younger brother has dyslexia,and it really drives him mad. And like Marushi,he loves to read and gets very annoyed when he spells things wrong,or writes numbers backwards(he has a real problem with 3's,5's and 7's...hardly ever gets them right). He feels rather insecure about being dyslexic,and gets embarressed really easily if he spells things wrong,and then gets stressed from spelling it wrong,then it all gets worse until he is pretty much in tears. It also doesn't help that,like me,he is not very motivated and is very highly strung. But at least he gets some form of learing support in school,and may be exempt from studying Irish and French next year when he enters secondary school... Unless the cutbacks stop all of that. But,probebly also due to personal reasons aswell,my brother has always been very affected by the fact he is dyslexic,and he is sometimes prone to taking it out on me,or any other person that happens to be around. And,just while typing this,I was wondering if anyone would know of any methods to help and stuff? As to be perfectly honest,my mother and father are not,nor have ever been of any help to either of us in schoolwork and stuff,and leave it to me to help him with spelling and grammer and maths,and as a lot of you have probebly noticed,they are not really my strong points. And he was only diagnosed with it...2 and a half years ago? But had lots of problems with reading and stuff from a young age. Yet again I am rambling.
I am dyslexic. Its not all that bad. Spelling is crap at times, I ask people how to spell stuff from time to time, and spell check and google are my best friends. I got help at an early age, so my dislexia is not all that bad. Not many people know I even have it. I got my dyslexia from my fauther, and he from his fauther, and I don't know beyond that. (I had to look up the spelling for the word beyond. Still looks off to me though lol.) I have been in special education for as long as I can remember, this is actually my first year of school without it. However, all my classes are lower levels. But yea, its not all that bad. Not many people are good at spelling anyways, and dyslexia gets better as you progress in the classes you are put into. Don't let anybody tell you they are better than you, or that you are at a disadvantage. Its whats inside that matters, not what your mind can and can't do.
I am dyslexic and my brother always teased me about it telling me I was stupid etc, but I showed him I passed my level three first time round when he failed it! Ha, dyslexia does not make you stupid it makes you smarter coz you want to prove people like my brother wrong. Only problem is I'm not sure if I got enoth liturusy credits for uni, really hope so have to wait and see!
I am dyslexic, it is hard sometimes, like when i read a long paragraph i'll mix up words, skip lines without knowing it and so on. However in my typing it doesnt really show except for a few spelling errors. I was diagnosed only recently though so i dont know if that affects it. I also have Asperger's syndrome, so sometimes I think that makes classes worse but not all the time. I know it might seem to me i think it disadvantages me, but don't feel that way! Rise up, and conquer the challnege! :)