Police received a call Friday night that two men with hooded sweatshirts and painted faces had tried to break into a man's home in Carroll, Iowa. When police stopped a vehicle matching the caller's description blocks away, they were stunned by the men's disguises. There were no ski masks or stockings pulled over their heads; instead, Matthew Allan McNelly, 23, and Joey Lee Miller, 20, streaked their faces with permanent black marker. Carroll Police Chief Cayler told CNN the strange disguises made it easier for his officers. "We're very skilled investigators and the black faces gave them right away," Cayler said jokingly. "I have to assume the officers were kind of laughing at the time. I've never heard of coloring your face with a permanent marker."
That was even stupider than the guys that smashed up cars and posted it on youtube with their names in the credits...
I'm gonna guess they were putting it on in the dark since they did an idiotic job if it. The one on the left looks like he's trying to draw a bat, whilst the one on the right looks like he's trying to grow a giant beard.
That almost tops the two guys who were handcuffed together and tried to run away from police by running past a telephone pole, only to be reminded that they were handcuffed. The chain hit the telephone pole and they swung into each other, effectively knocking each other out so police could catch up. Hang on, I've got the video somewhere... Ah. Found it.