Question Dude and Dudettes, I'm so confused xD

Discussion in 'Help' started by Jordier0xs0x, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Okay so, I just got Gimp and Ive been playing around with It and making random signatures etc. And I was going to make this signature somebody put a Tut up for, except I need new brushes. Somebody said Deviantart Is a good place to get brushes, but what I want to know Is HOW you put them on Gimp?
    I looked on..Gimptalk, Is It? They put up a link 'n such but It didn't work, and I searched on Google but nothing said anything about It (You know how Google Is sometimes) So yeah, Help would be excellent, Thank you!
  2. ~.Only.Twilight.~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 9, 2008
    I live in Scotland! ^^
    I was also really confused about this till I found out how to do it, so this is what I do to install gimp brushes.

    1. When you install the brushes, there useally in a Zip file. In that case, unzip the file into a folder.
    2. What you should have then is one or more files with either a .gbr or a .gih extension. They are the brush files. In order to use these in GIMP, they have to be moved somewhere where GIMP looks for brushes; the brushes folder.
    3. On Windows that would be C:/program files/Gimp2.4/share/gimp/2.4/brushes
      if you have the Gimp 2.4 version but it should be roughly simalir with other version.
    4. If you have a Unix/Linux system then I think it would be /home/*insert Name* /.gimp-2.4/brushes

      (*insect name is your name for that computer*) though I'm not a 100% sure.
    5. Since I have Windows I open up the brushes folder and click and drag the brush files to that folder.
    6. Then start Gimp (or restart if you have it on already) and you'll have new brushes to play with!
    If that was really confusing than just message me and either try to make it more clearer or make a how-to-vid depends on how much time I've got.
    Enjoy! :)
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I dont even get how to make a signature!!! can someone help me? mine won't work!!!