I took a few photos of some ducks that were at a pond I lived near. My camera's cheap, so photos have low quality. :P Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler I took more, but I don't think I should post the rest now. xD
Wow, there are loads xD The third one is beautiful x3 the leaves are a gorgeous color and they almost form a frame around the picture. Plus the ducks are in like, an unintended action pose. xD Good job :3
Quack Quack x3 The third picture, the ducks are having a race o: Srsly, these pictures are awesome. (Because they have Ducks in them.)
I second that! God I liked em all...I especially liked number 3...There was an amazing contrast of light and dark in the leaves the ducks seemed more of background to set the mood.
Number three is popular. 8D All I really did was take pictures right before it started getting dark. That's the only time the light isn't too bright or dark in my area. I didn't even have to use my computer to change the effects. I think you might be confused with the spamzone.
Sounds bright in your area...I'd love that...Especially living near a big-ass lake filled with racing ducks...here we get rain rain rain the occasional duck, over populated by seagulls and chavs...But seriously dude if its simple case of "all i did was take a picture before it got dark" then dude...you may well be an ace photographer...I REQUEST MORE DUCKS! >X)