So I've recently gotten a new laptop, running on Windows 7, and straight away I'm hit with an issue that's causing me a fair amount of frustration. Here on KHV, colours, templates, basically anything that involves a drop-down list, are being placed at the begining of posts instead of whereever I was selected before. The issue seems to stem from the cursor deselecting wherever I was before when I access the lists. Clicking a colour that I've previously selected, for example, works fine. I use Internet Explorer, if that helps. Assuming this is a problem on my end, which is why it's here, but since I did briefly have this same issue on another Windows 7 computer (not sure how it was fixed on there, it's not my computer), there's a chance it's a site compatibility issue.
It might be a compatibility issue. Is your Compatibility View on for IE? Whenever I put it on I always seem to have an issue with the screen stuff and lists as well. Although it certainly makes the site run better for me than without the Compatibility view on
Actually, Compatibility View seems to work better for the menus, but scroll bars don't work, and I have quite a few templates. It'd be most convenient if I were able to fix the Standard View, rather than use Compatibility.
I've had this same problem since I got a new laptop, which is annoying, especially when I colour my posts and use fonts for several rps. I use IE as well. I'd love it if it could be fixed somehow.
I'm on a desktop, but I'm also running Windows 7. I have no problems, though. Download Mozilla Firefox and see if that works.
Could you take some screenshots and stuff? I can't fix the problem if I can't replicate it. Some things that will help, though: Is this happening on all the styles, or just one? If so, which? What version of Internet Explorer are you using? Does this happen on other sites? Have you tried any other browsers?
I'm not sure exactly how to show it on a screen shot, basically for example if you highlight some text midway through your post you want to be a certain colour, when you click onto the dropdown menu to chose the colour the text will deselect. This means when you click the colour the BB code appears at the very start of the post, instead of around your selected text. This happens with fonts and anything else with a drop down menu as well. 1. Just checked every style and it happens with all of them. 2. I'm using the most recent version of IE, not sure if that's 8 or 9. 3. I couldn't say as this is the only forum I'm on. 4. No, I haven't got any other browers installed, sorry~
Ah, okay, I just got the error on IE9. It doesn't seem to happen you're using the WYSIWYG editor, though, which I would highly recommend. You can set it as the default by going here, scrolling down to Message Editor Interface (underneath Miscellaneous Options), and selecting Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing. I can see if there are any fixes for the issue other than that, but with the newer vBulletin versions is a new editor interface. When we upgrade I'm sure the problem will be fixed.
Ah okay~ That different editor is interesting and will take a bit of getting used to. You do still get the problem with it but it's less noticable and easier to deal with. Plus you can always switch back with the 'A/A' button in the top right cornor of the text box. And that's good, thanks for your help anyway. ^,^