Had my first driving test today. Was confident I could drive but feared nerves would be the better of me so I focused a lot on calming myself and thinking positive. Worked like a charm, drove well and did the majority of manoeuvres perfectly. I was so happy with how it went. I failed because I drove too close to parked cars... even though I was going slowly. I mean fair enough, but UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Man, that sucks. I failed my first test and passed on the second. I don't know what's worse, having to do the test again or knowing that it's another ~£60 to pay and the first payment is in effect pissed up the wall!
i failed my first test too. but it was a question test not a driving test. i missed one question so they didnt pass me
You can fail for driving too close to parked cars? For that matter, where they like cars parked on the side of the road or something? I got a 98 on my test, so I passed nearly perfectly, though I still wonder what I did badly at. Probably the parallel parking or the 50 feet reverse.
I failed my first... Though there was a lot going on during that time... Including my instructor met me an hour before the test and didn't shut up during all of it and made me more of a nervous wreck. I burst into tears because he wouldn't stop nagging me about how wrong I was doing things and lecturing me on how to drive for an hour. I went in shattered and failed miserably. That and the tester acted like it was the military and barked directions. I didn't have a chance... The second time my mom got pissed at the guy for destroying me like that for an hour. *It was a different instructor, the other guy I had quit and we didn't know until the day of the test he was replaced* And ripped him a new one, he was much more subdued and confidence boosting, that and the tester made jokes the whole time and helped me relax. I passed with flying colors and was happy as a clam. As for driving too close to parked cars: Cars open doors at random intervals, usually without looking. That and if it's a kid and they jump out and run across the road... Yeah... There's a reason they don't let you get close. It's just something to keep in mind for next time. =3 I remember a bus was going down a narrow street and hit a parked car. Ripped the side mirror right off and literally had to wait hours for the owners to come back to exchange insurance. I took the bus at the time but got a ride without knowing that was going to happen. I was very glad that I wasn't needing the bus.
I chose an accelerated course. The material was boring af, I find hammering lobotomy suits me best me when that' s the case. I got my written exam in four days, drove for a couple sunny summer weeks ... and failed the exam that happened on a rainy day. Second attempt went like a charm. There was this girl with me though, I hadn' t seen her since high school. She told me it was her second exam too, and that the first time she failed she got so mad she kicked the car on her way out. When our examinator arrived she became positively livid. It was the same one.
Exactly! I just paid £60 to be treated like crap and do my absolute best and then be shat on. The instructor was a massive *****- she talked to me the same way a teacher who is at the end of their tether talked to a student. I felt like I had done something terribly wrong. Cry, I just know I can pass... I drive a motorbike so don't need a car for transport. Plus, everything I need is within a train ride or walking distance. Yeah, it's fair that she failed me, I just UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! About half way through she started chatting and being generally really lovely to me... she also kind of ignored what I was doing. Anyway, we were getting on great and then we got back to the test centre, she told me I failed and left immediately. I found that incredibly rude. That instructor sounds like a total assface. He must not know how to actually instruct. My first instructor was quite terrible, he constantly told me off and made me feel crappy but thankfully I moved so don't need him any more. My new instructor was brilliant at building my confidence. I just wish confidence had been enough.