Dress-Up Contest { #❷❻ } ◇ ⌈Celebratory Round Voting⌋!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Saxima, Nov 12, 2013.


Winner . . . !!

Poll closed Nov 17, 2013.
  1. Nomes' Sailor Neptune

  2. Bite the Dust's Sailor Saturn

    0 vote(s)
  3. Dokuro's Sailor Mars

  4. Dinny's Sailor Jupiter

    0 vote(s)
  5. LARiA's Sailor Uranus ( and the kitty Ariel )

    0 vote(s)
  6. Loxare's Sailor Pluto ( whose secret identity is Ella )

    0 vote(s)
  7. cstar's Sailor Venus

    0 vote(s)
  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    • ROUND ❷❻

    L A R I A
    Linda Weiss

    Click Here!
    Create your own Sailor Senshi from the Sailor Moon series with this wonderfully detailed
    game, created by Drachea Rannak. He was good enough to create a second version
    of the game ( this one ) with lots of customization options so that your dolls could
    look fabulous!

    Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet.
    Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone.
    Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given!
    Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed.
    Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load.
    For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun!
    You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified.
    Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win.
    Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~
    Unless specified by the contest outline, DO NOT recreate characters from any sort of media. This includes characters like Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, Princess Zelda, and etc.
    DO NOT remove the dollmaker watermarks. This is solely for respect purposes only. DO NOT DO IT. You will be disqualified.


    N O M E S
    Sailor Neptune

    B I T E THE D U S T
    Sailor Saturn

    D O K U R O
    Sailor Mars

    D I N N Y
    Sailor Jupiter

    L A R I A
    Sailor Uranus & Feline Ariel ( ! )

    L O X A R E
    Sailor Pluto ( Ella )

    C S T A R
    Sailor Venus

    • Happy Voting ! •