A race! A race! Here's how it will work: Since there's still a battle going on between Pete and a few Keybladers, this will be simple, but fun. Each group meets with their own select denizen or group of denizens of Disney Town, and all you have to do is follow the list of instructions you're given as you complete each given task. You can't complete the next task if you just completed the previous one. Turns can't touch, but you can go again once someone has had a turn in contributing to your group. There are five steps to each group (Five items for Group D) to make things quick, but hopefully keep everyone pleasantly distracted. When it comes to the objects to be found in the attic, one item per player only. Every player who participates gets the given reward when the five steps are completed. The first team to complete the criteria gets double the Crowns and double the Munny. If this team happens to be Group D, they will receive the double perk, but the next group to follow in completion will as well. You still have to follow rule 5 of the KHSOS rule, given here for clarity: "5. To help improve roleplaying ability, a minimum quota will be put on all posts. As you level, more writing will be expected of you. Don't worry, not a lot, but enough to show your growth as a writer as well as a player. The Quota wlll be 5 words for every level your player has." You have until the end of the battle between Pete and Roe, Kaida, and Cailyn. This will likely not be the only event to happen while in Disney Town, since this wasn't planned beforehand. Group A: Grimm Alley Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP 1.) Approach the mysterious figure. 2.) ????? 3.) ????? 4.) ????? 5.) ????? Group B: Toon Parkway Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP 1.) Approach the frantic rabbit. 2.) ????? 3.) ????? 4.) ????? 5.) ????? Group C: Raceway Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP 1.) Approach the Chipmunks. 2.) ????? 3.) ????? 4.) ????? 5.) ????? Group D: Attic Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP Objects Left to Find 1.) Broom 2.) Wooden Bucket 3.) Old Roll of Film 4.) Silver Screen 5.) Blue Fleur de Lis Ribbon Spoiler: The Post that Never Was The princess was preparing to respond to Ananta's question, but was pleasantly distracted by D'daear's introduction. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, D'daear. Just as it is a pleasure to meet you, and Glen, isn't it?" She nodded her head towards each of the three. When it came to mind about answering Ananta's question, Minnie giggled again. "You're all very curious for book collectors." Minnie seemed to be enjoying a joke only she was in on. "Well, every year, for many years, we've held a festival here in town that spreads good will, charity, and allows an opportunity for others to do good deeds. Everyone does well by the other in hopes that the receiving party will vote for the other individual. At the end, there's a big prize for whoever wins. Meanwhile, there's fun and exciting games for everyone to participate in!" She sighed dreamily. "It's really my favorite time of the year. Everyone's so nice to each other." She said this with no inclination that, somewhere in town, Pete, a denizen of the town, was harassing other Keybladers. "So, if you all stay around, be sure to meet as many locals as you can, and I'm sure someone's bound to vote for you. I believe so." Minnie snapped back out of her dreamy state. "Oh my! We still need to find Mickey, or there really won't be much of a festival at all." An idea crossed her mind, and she smiled brightly that it did. "He's at the fruit stand. He'd have to be. He said he'd repair the fruit shooter since it had gone haywire." Base heard this and responded to D'daear's question, "I imagine that's going to be outside. Where else would you fling fruit from something called a "fruit shooter"?" Sparsely, the other Keybladers were introducing themselves. "My, Kross, you are quite courteous. And Luna, you are a Royal Knight? I suppose book collectors require some pro-" "Okay, we're not librarians." Base couldn't keep it inside any longer. He knew that she knew. "But we do need to find Mickey and the book, so if you don't mind showing us the way to where he might be, could you, please?" "There won't be much need of that, dear boy." Merlin's voice echoed over Base's shoulder as the wizard took center stage. "Whether or not Mickey took the book is of little consequence when we are, in fact, surrounded with tools that can help us in the very same endeavor." He rolled up his sleeves and flourished his bony arms so that he hunched up his shoulders and resembled the mast of a ship with his arms out wide. "In this very room, are items that can be used as gateways to worlds from the past of whom we're looking for." Minnie cleared her throat. "Ahem. That is all very well, for whatever other purpose, but I need to find him in the present time." "Oh, you're fretfully right. How silly of me. Well then, there's only one thing to do: I'll stay here and open the portals...(I feel like that's all that I'm accountable for these days)," He mumbled under his breath, "And you all shall aid and assist Princess Minnie." Merlin counted the Keybladers out. "Ah, right: Glen, Karina, Kel, and Beuce will take one area, Base, D'daear, and Stratos shall take the second, which leaves, let's see...Ananta, Kross, Raisor, and Steel for the third. The rest of you, Hikaru, Rain, Aden, and Anora, you'll stay here to assist me. Now then, my dear, where would you like for them to search?" Merlin leaned down to allow Minnie to whisper into his ear. "Wonderful. This will only take a moment then. Good luck everyone." Just like that, in a puff of gray smoke, most of the Keybladers vanished from the room. As they departed, they heard Minnie cry out, "Don't forget about helping others as well during the Dream Festival. Good luck!" ~~~~~ District A: Grimm Alley Down a dingy, poorly lit alleyway, cut off from the rest of the town, Karina, Beuce, Kel and Glen wound up. Kept company by shade that created a perpetual night even in the day and knocked over, smelly trash cans, the solemn porch light illuminated a bleak amount of area, but revealed that either path taken down the alley wouldn't lead directly to an exit. Going into a full on sprint could be dangerous. Before anyone could act or speak, a voice echoed through the alleyway ominously. "I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the key you have to jiggle in order to unlock the door. I am..." A puff of smoke popped into view and clouded everyone's vision for a moment before a shrouded, short duck in purple flapped open his cape and glared out from behind his purple face mask. "Darkwiiiing Duck!" He inhaled sharply. The next line sounded far less ominous and much more confused. "Who are you?" "Psst, DW, can I come out yet?" Another voice called out from sounded like on the nearby trash cans. "No, not... yyyyet." The mysterious figure gritted his teeth in agitation at his sidekick giving away his position. "Okay, you just give the word, and I'll ambush whoever needs to be ambushed." The mysterious figure responded by dropping hold of his cape to slap the palm of one of his white, feathery hands into his face mask and down his yellow-orange duck bill that sprang like a diving board when his hand moved down from off his face. "Thank you, LP." He grumbled miserably. District B: Toon Parkway "P-p-p-p-p-bbbbbleeeeease, Baby Herman! Get back down here!" A white rabbit in red overalls shouted frantically as he held yellow-gloved hands above his long eared hands. Toon Parkway was a neat little park with green grass fenced in with white picket fences in a thirty yards by thirty yards area of cobblestone pathways that all routed to a single pale yellow gazebo with a green trim in the center by a small pond. It also had, at that time, a flying baby; a flying baby with balloon strings strapped to the back of its diaper. While the baby cooed innocently, the rabbit was on the ground losing his mind. Base stared at the Rabbit in distress and looked to the others. "Should we help him? I mean, to not do anything would be child endangerment, but my question is: how did that child get that endangered in the first place??" He asked incredulously. District: Raceway Two chipmunks were arguing on a podium under an awning that looked out onto a racetrack across the way from where Ananta, Kross, Raisor, and Steel appeared in a puff of ethereal smoke. "Listen here, blockhead!" The one with a black nose pounded the other one, the chipmunk with a large, red nose, directly on the head. "This'll never work." A female voice piped in, chipper. "Don't be so hard on Dale, Chip." She instructed from below the podium, with the sounds of wrenches twisting and bolts tightening clicking from the same spot. Chip went to pieces, changing from frustrated to swooning in a flash. "You're right, Gadget." Chip chipped in while Dale rubbed his sore head. "Alright, blockhead, what do you have to say?" "I told ya! There's no way to no for sure until it's tested." Dale took the moment to offer his own little argument. The Attic "Now then, Higgitus Figgutus, zoomba-ka-zing. I want your attention everything!" Merlin cast his spell dramatically, but the response from the room was not at all dramatic. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows in frustration and hopped on a stool. "Everything! Confound it!" He cursed the space when the room still didn't heed his order. He calmed down and spoke directly to Hikaru. "So sorry, lad. Could you and the others possibly go about looking for special items in the room? I need a broom, a wooden bucket, an old roll of film, a pull-down silver screen, and a blue ribbon with an odd symbol on it...erm...it looks a little like this..." He drew a Fleur de Lis in the air with a bit of magic. "These are the items we need to open those portals I spoke of. My magic should be able to find them, eventually, but we must not dawdle. Time is of the essence you know." OOC: 25/45 Experienced 8/25 Veteran