Dream Drop Distance Unboxing

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    So as I'm sure you all know, Dream Drop Distance released this Friday in Europe! With members purchasing their copies and getting their preorders in, many are doing "unboxings"--showing you what they got with the game and displaying the packaging for other fans. Definitely fun for those who didn't get a certain preorder, or who aren't able to get the game (for whatever reason). So what we're inviting you to do is share your unboxing pictures, videos, and experiences within this thread. Anything sent in will be edited into this post, and will therefore appear on our homepage! I expect we'll primarily be getting entries from European fans, but if you're in North America or Australia and got your game, feel free to post it!

    You can either post your stuff in this thread, or send it in to me via private or visitor message.

    The first video is on behalf of forum member Limit-Sora, who got his copy a bit early!
    You can check out his YouTube channel here, where he's also doing a Let's Play of the game.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 22, 2012.

    1. Darkcloud
      I have a quick question, and I'm not sure if it's been covered or not, but it's in regards to pre-ordering Dream Drop Distance versus the Mark of Mastery Edition:

      We know that whether you pre-order or get the MoM, you're going to get AR cards. My question is, are there any differences between the AR cards? I read that MoM comes with 5, pre-order comes with 3, but are those cards completely different? The MoM descriptions I've read wouldn't elaborate, but pre-order says these monsters are exclusive for the game...do we already have an answer for this?
    2. ~Acy_XIII~

      I don't know if someone already answer this, but I don't mind repeating something already said if it can help others...
      In both regular pre-order and MoM you got these three cards:
      -One "Wild" AR card that unlock one those three randomly (Ursa Circus, Sudo Neku, or Meowjesty)
      -Another one that unlock R&R Seal
      -One that unlocked the 360 viewing stand
      The ones exclusive to the MoM edition are the 2 AR card unlocking Kab Kannon and Frootz Cat.
    3. kingdomheartsgeek
      Maybe and i say MAYBE i will do an unboxing of the dutch version
      (only the manual and the backside is dutch the rest of the game is english -_-). and i just contribute to this website to

      we will see :)

      EDIT: and yes i've made one