Dream Drop Distance: Official Website [Update]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. The official website for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance has been updated. The featured sections that have been added with new content includes characters, worlds and system.

    In the "worlds" page, more content from Traverse Town has been added, such as screenshots and renders. Additionally "system" has a video on "Reality Shift". Finally the characters page has been updated with the Dream Eaters (Pierrot Clown and Handsome Pegasus). All these updates are viewable at the official website. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/3d/

    It is officially two more months until Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases in Japan. And so the countdown begins...
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 30, 2012.

    1. nickoboyzx
      cool news there
      the website are cool too
      men it's make me even more impatient for me to play the game
    2. Krowley
      Been a while since the site updated. Was hoping for more info on the Fantasia/Tron Legacy worlds
    3. Excasr
      Interesting updates. Well that's great!

      I was also looking for the Fantasia world... Oh well, I can't wait for it!
      Thanks for the updates Mike. =]
    4. Beucefilous
      Thats interesting.

      Hoping to see more info on the Tron legacy world soon.
    5. Llave
      I've always adored the World titles, they are so creative, and visually beautiful.

      That aside, I like the renders, and the little update. Thanks Mike! Now we must wait till the time comes for it to be released in Japan...
    6. Maggy
      Cool! Great job, Mike

      Ahhhhh just two more monthssssss!
    7. Cloudrunner62
      I am so looking forward to this game!!!!!!
    8. chessplayerjames
      I don't know if it was already there or not, but I really like the "Drop" gauge on the official site :D It's really cool, it shows Sora's Drop gauge going down, and when it gets all the way to the bottom, the theme switches to Riku, and when the gauge goes down again it switches back to Sora. But it's much more interesting if you click on it! If you click on it in Sora mode, it shows a clip of Sora falling "asleep" and then switches to Riku's theme, and if you click it again it'll show Riku falling "asleep" and switch back to Sora. Really nice site, although it takes a long time to load with my internet -_-
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Is it me, or did the battle music in La Cite des Cloches sound a bit like music from THoND?
    10. ShibuyaGato
      This is good. It seems like they're finally shedding a bit more light on the final product at this point. It's also nice to see another update to the site, which in itself is always a treat.

      I really can't wait until we get it over here. Thanks for the update, Mike.