Dream Drop Distance: Information from Famitsu

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids! If you thought the news regarding Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance has stopped; wait until you read this update. It's been about a week from today since the Tokyo Game Show kicked off and to say the least; fans from the Kingdom Hearts series were quite impressed.

    Now we have a big update on recap news and additional information from Famitu, but seriously you don't want to miss this one. Are you ready!? I know, I'm such a tease. I should be like Nomura (laughs). Also special thanks to our forum member "P" for letting me know and SQEXGAL for translating the new article from Dream Drop Distance. Special thanks to Toma_Kisaragi from Twitter.



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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

    1. Amaury
      Wow, that's a big interview. :)

      Anyway, the story of it looks like it will be pretty interesting, and the fact that it's already 60% to 70% completed, shows that they're very dedicated to it.

      Thanks for the update, Mike.
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'm assuming that the Reality Shift mechanic has to do with doing unusual, surreal, and extraordinary things in dreams.
      Good find, Mike.
    3. Iskandar
      big update this time. But dang, I don't want to wait till Spring for this game to come out, and then however many more months for it to come out in America. Still, some of this sounds really interesting
    4. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      Neko Cat? Aw, no Mr. Mew for Neku. ]=

      Anyway, I could not be more excited. Looking forward to those scans. ^^
    5. Llave
      I'm liking the Spirit allies customization and more than two... that is promising! All of this is so intense, this sure will be exciting to play when it finally comes out!
    6. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      "Additionally, Yen Sid says that in order to become a Master, the self taught way that they use the Keyblade will be reset and that it is necessary they learn how to use the Keyblade appropriately from the beginning."

      Aha, the Terra/Ventus/Aqua way. That explains Riku's Blade Charge.
      Perhaps that's also why they regressed to a younger age? To "start anew" as far as honing their techniques? That makes sense!
    7. Llave
      Ahh yes indeed! Also, that may be why Dual link is around, similar to the D-link in BBS, in order to train their sense of "telepathic connection".

      This does make sense, afterall, they learned on their own, and need to be taught the traditional way in order to strengthen themselves for battle with Xehanort. (Boy, KH is sounding more like Star Wars now, Sora is Luke. Next thing we know, Xehanort is Sora's father...)
    8. Shift
      I don't like how all they put this kind of thing mon system in KH really, rather have Sora/Donald/Goofy + Riku/Mickey for once .-.
      But oh well, at least the ones with Riku look great so far.
    9. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      I'm actually enjoying the break from Donald and Goofy so far. Not Mickey though. We need more Mickey.

      At least they're experimenting with the BBS Combat system, I felt that they just dumped it in re:Coded for the sake of it. Still like it though.
    10. Llave
      That's true, but maybe they realized they made a good system and stuck with it. The only question i bring up briefly on this matter is: I wonder if KHIII will be a combination of the KHII panel thing and BBS Combat Deck...
    11. Shift
      They said they'll bring back the traditional system for KH3, and that they are just taking the oportunity to experiment with it on the 'sidegames'.
      When it comes back it should be tweked to hell and back though.
    12. Llave
      Hmm i really enjoy the BBS system... but i suppose that's why they are putting it in 3D as well, to give a "sidegame" that really new and thrilling feel to it rather than traditional.
    13. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      So there are different spirits we can get and you can change there color. Sweet. This also kinda explains why you never went to Traverse Town in KHII.
    14. Llave
      That's true, i do hope it goes into further detail on how that happened and how Leon and the gang got to Radiant Garden...
    15. Shift
      Gummy Ship, Cid's Gummy Ship.
      They said so in KH1.
    16. Llave
      Must've missed that part, but alas we do know where Traverse Town truly resides now. I was always curious why it disapeared, or did they explain that in KHII as well?
    17. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder if that means we'll get to see Sora and Riku grow physically?
    18. Shift
      It was made of fragments from other worlds, when those worlds returned, it was gone.
      But it seems like it was just as gone as the worlds that went to the realm of darkness, and we'll get to revive it now.
      *Can't wait to hear Hand in Hand again*
    19. Orangethousand19pro
      On that basis, I wonder what the music will be like. The theme is bold action and the battles are very fast-paced, so will the music be fast and bold music?