Dream Drop Distance: Axel/Lea Awakens

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 31, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. It's been awhile, but the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production is back with yet again another video. Do you remember the Sora meets ***** scene that we completed?

    As we work on our last production video "secret ending", we've quickly put together a Roxas/Axel video which is voiced by Mike (CGNET) and Newkidaye. "Dream Drop Distance: Axel/Lea Awakens" is the next video from KH-Recharged and KH-Vids. It contains brief scenes from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and takes a flashback at the friendship of the two characters.

    Our last scene contained spoilers. If you're thinking about watching the video, no need to worry much about spoilers. Don't forget that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases in Europe and North America this July 2012.

    Let us know your feedback and comments from our NEW video. We always love to hear from our members.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 31, 2012.

    1. greater_bloo
      Like I said on the Youtube page itself I'm really liking that line where Axel says "You can't turn on the Organization!" and the one after that. It felt genuinely desperate to convince his friend to not leave. I personally believe it's better than what Quinton Flynn did, not that he did bad but he sounded pretty calm despite his character moving around a lot.

      Mike you also did awesome! I think you're best scene was where Axel was explaining why the sun sets red. You displayed a wide range of emotions there.

      As for the video itself I like how you mixed scenes from Days and 3D together. It feels overall complete and a nice refresher for people who may not have played Days in awhile (like me!), which all lead up to a cliffhanger wanting more. And the only way to get more...is to buy the game which overall just raised my hype meter a little bit.
    2. chibiwings
      You guys have great delivery!
    3. greater_bloo
      "You know our motto: We Deliver!"
      ...I don't think anyone will get that reference.
    4. Sir Charles of Monocles
      Sir Charles of Monocles
      Want to watch... but might contain spoilers... F********* T^T
    5. chibiwings
      Isn't that from Princess Diaries?! XD
    6. Mike
      There's really not spoilers. It's doesn't really reveal anything.
    7. chessplayerjames
      Are you sure NewKidAye isn't Quinton Flynn?!?!

      I really liked NewKidAye's voice as Axel, however in the sunset's red scene, there were a few parts where he talked kind of fast, with a sort of flat voice. Other than that, I really liked his voice (again, sure you're not Quinton Flynn?).

      EDIT: That first line for Axel in the sunset's red scene, that sounded exactly like Axel/Quinton Flynn. Love it. Also, there was only one line that I thought sounded flat. "And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest." Really love the voice acting.
    8. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Which ever one of you two who plays as Axel is TERRIFIC! the voice was SPOT ON!