Dragons vs. Wolves

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by demonchick25, Nov 15, 2008.

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  1. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    Dragons vs. Wolves

    Deep within the world of demons two great powers began raging war. The dragons and the wolves had never gotten along, but they tried to keep peace. Though when members of each side broke the treaty, all civilized order was gone. And after 100 years of war an new generation must take over the fight.

    1. No godmodding
    2. You can get a little bloody, but don’t go overboard
    3. Stay active
    4. Censor yer selves D:
    5. One character per person
    6. Post LINKS to your character images to keep the posts looking clean
    7. No killing unless a person wants to leave. so only kill the random extras

    OC form:
    Character Name:
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) :
    Weapon(if any):
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ):

    Username: demonchick25
    Character Name: Tanwen
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any) : N/A
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ) :fire manipulation
    Bio: Tanwen grew up watching her brother and father fighting the war. She always waited for the day she could join them. But they had disappeared when she was 15 and proclaimed dead. This gave her more motivation to join the fight.
    Other: She also had fangs, claws, and large black dragon wings
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character Name: Malin
    Gender: Male
    Age: appears 22 but is alot older
    Appearance: http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...ime_Knight.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any): broad sword
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): can create a dangerous mist
    Bio: A noble dragon who avoids contact with others until recently when he was troubled by both wolves and dragons who sought his death.
    Other: none.
    Username: Ventez
    Character Name: Xalibur
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Appearance: http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...sedwarrior.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any):
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): Uses blue fire, can dream bits and pieces of the future, and has the ability of dark magic.
    Bio: Xalibur was an experiment gone wrong. A human had a horrible disease, and was attempted to be cured using dragon DNA. Everything went haywire, cuasing his hormones to lose control and his DNA to become part dragon. The government tried to keep him a secret, but he soon escaped to be raised by the dragons who were at the moment in war with the wolves. The dragons raised him well, and now he wants to prove himself to be the most powerful of all dragons and wolves.
    Other: None.
    Username: Akua WaterDragonKing
    Character Name: Akua
    Gender: Male
    Age: Looks 19 but is over 300 years old.
    Appearance: ( Dragon: http://www.kh-vids.net/album.php?albumid=150&pictureid=2076
    Human: http--i98.photobucket.com-albums-l253-vamp007-Anime%20Guys-guyanime83.jpg )
    Side: Dragon
    Weapon: Neptune's Furry : http--i148.photobucket.com-albums-s3-Blood_Moon222-Swords-AlastairsSword.jpg
    Power: Water
    Bio: He has been dealing with the Wolves all his Life. He doesn't want anything to do with the War.....Yet
    Other: DON'T get him Mad! Hes like A Never Ending Ragging Sea when he is.
    Username: The Fifth Element
    Character Name: Chrysophylax (or just Chryso)
    Gender: male
    Age: 100(young)
    Appearance: http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g288/animegrrl06/SilverDragon.png
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any): fire....lots and lots of fire *evil laugh*
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): ...fire....he can also control metal
    Bio: Chrysophylax was born to a very powerful father who fought in the war before he was injured and had to retire. Now the pressure is on him to continue with it. He is already regarded highly by the other dragon warriors and often has to lead. Secretly he wants the war to end and admires the wolves culture.
    Other: nothing for now
    Username: Death Twister
    Character Name: Miku
    Gender: female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/k.../zakki47-2.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any): none
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): she can cast out thorns from the ground or her hand [hand only when using her demonic claws]
    Bio: She was abandoned by her family at birth. She fights for her lost love.
    Other: She also has dragon wings and hands/claws as mentioned

    Username: Varnor
    Character Name: Craig
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/g...ek/wolfman.jpg
    Side: Wolf
    Weapon: daggers
    Power: Incredible strength and speed
    Bio: A young wolf raised to become the ultimate warrior, the only thing he did for the first 17 years was to train. the last year he used the last year hidden keeping an eye on several diffrent dragons.
    Other: he hates water
    Username: Labomba
    Character Name: Slyth Howlmoore
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Appearance: http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/081...738/f7dd76.png
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Wolf
    Weapon(if any): Star saber, Star Gloves and Star Blaster
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): Star Energy
    Bio: as a young boy he was adopted by a pact of wolves. The chief of the wolves died when Slyth was 16 bonding him with the wolf. Slyth instantly gained super natural powers when he bonded with the wolves thus making him the leader of the pact.
    Other: Generally a kind person and can be very out going. He usually hides his wolf form when hes away from the pact making him look like a normal person.
    Username: Vertigo Haven
    Character Name: Norah Connor
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/b...air/Saki19.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Wolf
    Weapon(if any): Daggers
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect.) : The ability to turn herself and others invisible.
    Bio: She had made friends with a dragon previously, but he was killed by wolf. She's not quite sure who or what to believe in anymore, though her loyalty still remains with wolves for the time being.
    Other: Can become quite wolf-like when instincts kick in. Her sharp teeth can be lethal.
    Username: Cupcake
    Character Name: Alyssa
    Gender: female
    Age: 16
    Appearance: http://i524.photobucket.com/albums/c...Anime/wolf.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : wolf
    Weapon(if any): sais blades
    Power: uses ice
    Bio: She was born with a special gift... To believe in herself and help others.
    Other: N/A
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Character Name: Malin
    Gender: Male
    Age: appears 22 but is alot older
    Appearance: http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t30/danvi_2007/Anime_Knight.jpg
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon
    Weapon(if any): broad sword
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): can create a dangerous mist
    Bio: A noble dragon who avoids contact with others until recently when he was troubled by both wolves and dragons who sought his death.
    Other: none.
  3. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    added 8D we need at least one wolf before we start though.
  4. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Username: Varnor
    Character Name: Craig
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg222/enerek/wolfman.jpg
    Side: Wolf
    Weapon: daggers
    Power: Incredible strength and speed
    Bio: A young wolf raised to become the ultimate warrior, the only thing he did for the first 17 years was to train. the last year he used the last year hidden keeping an eye on several diffrent dragons.
    Other: he hates water
  5. Labomba Moogle Assistant

    Jun 7, 2008
    Twilight Town
    Username: Labomba
    Character Name: Slyth Howlmoore
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Appearance: http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0811/d17/0738/f7dd76.png
    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Wolf
    Weapon(if any): Star saber, Star Gloves and Star Blaster
    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): Star Energy
    Bio: as a young boy he was adopted by a pact of wolves. The chief of the wolves died when Slyth was 16 bonding him with the wolf. Slyth instantly gained super natural powers when he bonded with the wolves thus making him the leader of the pact.
    Other: Generally a kind person and can be very out going. He usually hides his wolf form when hes away from the pact making him look like a normal person.
  6. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    you've both been added 8D

    The forest was almost bare, the trees were dead, but not because of the winter cold. Various explosions, slashes, and screaming could be heard everywhere. The war had never let up.

    The wind swept across the flat ground as Tanwen landed there. She was now close to wolf territory. She glided through the dead trees, being careful not to make a sound. Then she attacked!
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Malin stood at the edge of the battle, he did not care for this war but he would strike down anyone who got in his way.
  8. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    Tanwen took down the small wolves with ease. She licked the blood from her claws then vanished into the air.
  9. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    "Weaklings"Craig thought watching, hidden from sight
  10. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Username: Ventez

    Character Name: Xalibur

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24

    Appearance: http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc288/noe13_photo/cursedwarrior.jpg

    Side(Dragon or Wolf) : Dragon

    Weapon(if any):

    Power(fire, psychic stuff, ect. ): Uses blue fire, can dream bits and pieces of the future, and has the ability of dark magic.

    Bio: Xalibur was an experiment gone wrong. A human had a horrible disease, and was attempted to be cured using dragon DNA. Everything went haywire, cuasing his hormones to lose control and his DNA to become part dragon. The government tried to keep him a secret, but he soon escaped to be raised by the dragons who were at the moment in war with the wolves. The dragons raised him well, and now he wants to prove himself to be the most powerful of all dragons and wolves.

    Other: None.​
  11. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Xalibur lurked in the shadows, his wings laid on his back. The look of sneakiness and hate were in his eyes as he watched two wolves whisper to each other in the middle of the forest. Both laughed as they discussed a recent dragon that was killed a few hours ago and described the scene with great detail and pride.
    "Pathetic creatures..." Xalibur whispered coldly.
    The ears of the wolves raised and they looked around. Xalibur climbed onto a tree, then jumped off of it, landing on an even taller tree about 15 feet above the wolves. His eyes turned green and his view zoomed in on them.
    "Someone's here...." one wolf said, sniffing the air. Immediately, its eyes widened and its neck straightened.
    "A dra-"
    But before the wolf could finish, a pair of black wings were wrapped around it, keeping a grip so tight that it prevented breathing.
    "H-Help...m-me!" the wolf said between screams and gasps for breath.
    Xalibur was now face-to-face with the wolf in the shelter of his wings. He smirked,and within a few seconds, the wolf lay at his feet, dead.
    "No!" the other wolf shouted, jumping towards Xalibur.
    "I don't think so..." he whispered, pulling out a sword and pointing it at the wolf hurtling towards him in the air.
    A loud scream was heard from the wolf, then everything was silent. All that could be seen now were two dead wolves on the ground, and a dragon-human flying into the sky.
  12. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    (you guys have been added)

    Tanwen perchered herself on a treetop observing the madness below. She leaped forward, instantly leveling off looking fo another kill.
  13. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Craig kept watching not even caring for his fellow wolfs who had just been killed
  14. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    "Another dragon I'll have a check"Craig thought sneaking silently towards Akua
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Malin started to walk with hi sword draw in this hand. He slashed anyone who came into the range of his arm and swords reach as he continued to the other side of the battle field.
  16. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    "Oh most dragons are no treat to me its more the other way around"Craig said
  17. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    "NEVER water is the devils air"Criag said, jumping back clearly afraid of the water
  18. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Xalibur was flying higher into the air when he noticed a dragon and a wolf talking below.
    Sitting duck... he thought, ignoring the dragon and only focusing on the wolf.
    He changed his angle and was now soaring downwards toward his next victim.
  19. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    "Noooo of course not"Craig said hiding the dagger behind his back
  20. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Xalibur easily shattered the ice and gently landed next to the wolf.
    "Wolves are enemies!" he hissed, his eyes turning red and his head positioned so that he was face-to-face with the wolf. "They mean us plenty of harm. Just as the dragons have taught me. And don't you dare call me brother. I'm not even a complete dragon."
    Suddenly, he noticed the tip of the dagger behind the wolf's back, and smirked.
    "You're right." he said, backing away from the wolf. "He's our friend. And after all, friends play games, correct? Well, let's play a game..."
    Quickly, he ducked into the water for a few moments before jumping back out to tackle the wolf, hoping it would try to protect itself with the dagger, thus revealing itself.
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