the newest dragonball Z game it looks kol but I want to see how it plays...... heres the trailer... Discuss: wat you think?
Interesting.... ...I hope it works a bit like SPARKING! by usin the good ekements like interactive stories; having as many characters as possible and a lenghy story mode.
It looks...interesting...I just find it weird that it's a step forward and a step back at the same time... The "Sparkling!" series has had about 5 iterations with 100+ characters and the story arc goes all the way into GT after all these years, and now that they've moved off of the PS2 hardware onto the 360/PS3...suddenly they're restarting all over again and going back to the Radditz->Freiza arcs...
It looks promising. The graphics are impressive, but as we all know, there's more to a game than just graphics. Still, it looks like something that could be worth looking forward to.