Not expecting a response...since no-one on this thread has even mentioned Dragon ball. 'tis a great game, I'm finding it hard to find time to play this, but it's an overall great game.
It's a game I plan to get for the Wii. I would get it now for PS2, but I would like to wait for that version.
Game is awsome, me and my friend stayed up 24 hours battling, a average battle for us last like 8 minutes, warping is awsome.
I beat the game on the Wii. This game gets so addicting after a while. I mean, I get off for like 10 minutes, and I hear the SFX while I'm eating. >.>
I beat every saga, even the what-ifs. I love them, especially the Zarbon one, it's so interesting and teaches an important moral. My ss4 Gogeta is like level 113, I love it to bits!