DragonBall: New Beginnings

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, Nov 19, 2010.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Note: This Rp is based off the MMORPG Dragonball Online. I am not expecting anybody to have actually played it so don’t let the lack of knowledge about Dragonball Online scare you from joining. I have changed things from DBO to turn it into rp form. This Rp disregards GT
    Thanks to the efforts of the Z fighters the Earth has earned itself a great period of peace. 200 years have passed and the following events have transpired:

    *Gohan created a book known as Groundbreaking Science which teaches the public martial arts and Ki control. Because of this book, many earthling have taken up martial arts, making it very popular

    *Due to the popularity of martial arts, Krillin revived the Turtle School (since Master Roshi felt he was too old), Tien re-established the Crane School, and Goten and Trunks created the Kikoukenjutsu Sword School

    * Majin Buu began to read some of Mr.Satan's romance books and eventually wished for someone he could love. Using a piece of his body he created a wife for himself named Buuby and hit her with a love beam. The two of them eventually had a son and the Majin race was created

    * Back at Planet Namek an unknown being attacked and destroyed Planet Namek causing the Namekians to flee to Planet Earth where they now live at.

    The earth has been able to maintain the peace that it was given but soon that peace will be at an end. The unknown being that has destroyed Planet Namek has begun to make his move by recruiting the remnants of Frieza's World Trade Organization and is now proceeding to planet earth.

    Back on Earth, the Earthlings are preparing for the World Martial arts tournament which has been revived after many years. For the earthling this tournament is a huge event and everybody is looking forward to testing their skills, but they are unaware of the danger that is heading their way​

    In this Rp your character can either be one of the three races: Human, Namekian and Majin

    Humans: There is nothing that really needs to be said about humans that you don’t know. They are beings that do not have any special abilities, unlike the other two species. For them to learn martial arts they must graduate from one of the three schools

    Namekians: Namekians are basically the same as the show. They can regrow their body parts, all male and only need water to survive. There are two kinds of Namekians: Warrior and Healers. Healers are like Dende and King Piccolo. They are able to heal wounds and can also summon creature to fight for them. Healers lack fighting skills. Warriors are like Piccolo and Nail. They rely on their fighting skills. Skilled Warrior Namekians are able to wield an axe

    Majin: The Majin race is considerably weaker that the original Majin buu. They have healing powers and they have the ability to reattach their body parts like the original buu, but it takes a while for a limb to fully reattach. They also have the ability the heal others
    They look something like this:

    Other: If you would like to add a new race (alien, android, etc) then discuss it with me before you post your character sheet

    Humans are separated by which school they graduated from: Krillins turtle school, Tien's Crane School, and Goten and Trunk's Kikoukenjutsu Sword School

    The Turtle School – After fighting many powerful enemies that he had no chance against, Krillin took over the Turtle School from Master Roshi to train people to focus on martial arts and teamwork

    The Crane School- After witnessing the spirit bomb obliterate Kid Buu, Tien revived the Crane School to teach others to focus on Ki energy

    The Kikoukenjutsu Sword School- After Tapion gave Trunks his sword, Goten and Trunks grew an interest in swordsmanship and created a school that combines swordsmanship with ki control

    Note: just because Crane school graduates only focus on ki and Sword School graduates only use swords it does not mean they can’t fight with their fists. It is the same deal with the turtle school, they can use ki attacks

    Additional Information:
    There are No Super Saiyans. The Saiyan blood has diminished over the years. Also the Dragonballs are off limit (I have a plan for them later on)

    No DBZ characters are playable. All of them are dead and the only ones alive are Dende, Mr.Popo and Korin (I might incorporate the three of them into the story)

    You can only start off with a max of three energy attacks. They can be any moves that the heroes and Majin buu have uses (eg.Kamehameha, Galik Gun, Special Beam Cannon, etc). Moves like Spirit Bomb, Chocolate Beam, and Love Beam cannot be used. The strength of beams is determined on how strong the character is and how much ki is placed into the beam. Everybody can use the small ki blasts and as the rp progresses your character can learn more energy attacks

    *No godmodding and powerplaying
    *Keep it Pg-13. I allow some mild swear word
    *You can have as much characters as you want but you must be able to handle all of them
    * Proper gramer/ spelling please. I’m not really that strict about grammar and spelling mistakes but just don’t make them consistently
    *Have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask
    *More rules will be added later on

    OOC Sheets:

    School: (Turtle, Crane or Sword)
    Known energy attacks: (eg. Kamehameha)

    Type of Namekian: (Warrior or Healer)
    Known energy attacks: (eg.kamehameha)

    Known energy attacks: (eg.kamehameha)

    Character List:


    Username: dabeatmaster123
    Name: Daisuke
    School: Turtle
    Known energy attacks: Destructo Disc, Energy Barrier, Kamehameha
    Bio: Daisuke has been picked on his whole life due to his short size and he needed to hone his skills at becoming stronger at Turtle School due to the Groundbreaking Science book. His family sent him their without hesitation as they are awesome parents indeed and he began training there, however he still has a long way to go and he continues to train everyday.
    Personality: He loves eating and has a tendency to be a little extreme, but other than that he is level-headed. He is usually always eating or you can find him doing strange things from time to time...
    Other: Nothing else... just a normal kid really


  2. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    Username: dabeatmaster123
    Name: Daisuke
    School: Turtle
    Known energy attacks: Destructo Disc, Energy Barrier, Kamehameha
    Bio: Daisuke has been picked on his whole life due to his short size and he needed to hone his skills at becoming stronger at Turtle School due to the Groundbreaking Science book. His family sent him their without hesitation as they are awesome parents indeed and he began training there, however he still has a long way to go and he continues to train everyday.
    Personality: He loves eating and has a tendency to be a little extreme, but other than that he is level-headed. He is usually always eating or you can find him doing strange things from time to time...
    Other: Nothing else... just a normal kid really

    (Btw how do I make the picture a spoiler? =3=)
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    OOC: you make spoiler tags by surrounding the link with [*Spoiler] [/Spoiler] and take out the *

    Your sheet is good but just a few things
    -Krillin and all the z characters are dead
    -I just want to warn you that the Distructo Disc is hard to hit with and take a very long time to create (although it can cut through anything)
    -humans cant heal only Namekians and Majins can
  4. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    OOC: Sorry I fail =3= let me edit =P
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    OOC: good your in :D
  6. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    OOC: When will we start?
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