Don't you Recall?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Zandyne, May 22, 2007.

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  1. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.

    Concept: Some of the many (theoretical) memories of Xemnas when he was apprenticed to a certain someone.
    Genre: General
    Rating: T+/PG-13
    Yes I know the title sounds bizarre, but it's meant to be asked by a person hence the reason why it is not grammatically correct (who it is, you have to figure out on your own).

    This is actually an old sample from my work-in-progress fic. I will do my best to post up new mini-chapters every couple of days if there is enough interest in them. (Check back often for updates on new chapters if you want to follow this story.)


    So short. I promise the other mini-chapters will be longer.
    Side-Note: Who 'no name' is should be fairly obvious (not that it is terribly important in the context of this version of the story).
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