At least 4 times during the entirety of my young, naive, and childish educational career. 8th grade female college intern. there were many stiff boiz that semester lolol.
Okay I didn't know we were counting interns but if so...I still haven't had a hot one :( When it comes to girls in my grade they always have a hot male teacher to drool while we guys just sit there and shake our heads. Even though we know we would be doing the same thing if we had a hot female teacher ;)
When they are trying to teach you something whilst the class is working- it's like the exact same in the picture but instead of bending over they just squat to your level.
It's the opposite at our school. The boys always get a hot female teacher. I'm convinced there are only six guy teachers at our school and they're all old or creepy One year we swore our substitute was a child molester. We all tried to take the seat in the back and get out of the room first. It was really weird.