Flute tends to destroy my lips. Seriously, I picked it up in December and every time I practice I end up with this big red dry spot under my lips. It eventually splits and gets gross and yeah you get the picture, but GOD. It's painful! I think maybe I'm allergic/sensitive to silver because I also get a red ring around my neck when I wear necklaces with a metal chain. ...So yeah. Recorder ftw. I want a bass or tenor recorder sooo bad. Bass flute's cool too.
Are you sure the metal is silver, and not something else? Because most metal objects contain nickel, and many people, including me, have nickle allergies. So whenever you wear something that isn't silver and it touches your skin for prolonged periods of time, your skin gets irritated.
I've become immune to the allergy, because I play so much. But from time to time I'd get a slight rash from the nickel. Gold plated flutes, etc. help with the allergy, so you won't get that ugly break-out. :3