Domo, What the hell is it?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Cherry Pie Pwns, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    I went to Target the other day and it was all decorated for Halloween. Besides all the normal stuff, they had this big brown thing hanging from the ceiling called Domo. I heard of it before randomly on the net, but I have no idea what it is. I'm pretty sure it's Japanese because I've heard it called "Domo-kun." So please, someone tell be what the hell it is!
  2. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Domo (どーもくん, Dōmo-kun?) is the mascot of Japan's NHK television station, appearing in several 30 second stop-motion sketches shown as station identification during shows.
    In 2006 Nickelodeon announced that it was to develop 26 two-minute shorts of Domo for broadcast in the United States.[1][2] In December 2007 ICv2 announced that Nickelodeon would begin airing the shorts in early 2008.[3]
    Target is using the character as the theme of its 2008 Halloween promotions.[4] This includes a number of Halloween-themed products, such as candy and toys. An original animation was created for Target, available on their website.
    In late September 2008 Nicktoons (Toonsters) aired for the first time on UK television a 2 minute Domo Kun cartoon - A Big Tree.

    The name "Domo" was acquired during the second episode of his show in which a TV announcer said, "dōmo, konnichiwa" (どうも、こんにちは, "dōmo, konnichiwa"?), which is a formal greeting meaning something along the lines of, "Well, hello there!", but which can also be interpreted as "Hello, Domo!", and thus is a convenient pun (dajare). The kun suffix on "Domo-kun," the name used to describe the character in the Japanese versions, is a Japanese honorific often used with young males.

    Domo, the main character, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg." [5] Domo's favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, due to an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate via producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him. Domo-kun is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset. [5] Domo also likes music, particularly Guitar Wolf and MAX, two real-life bands.[citation needed]
    Domo lives in an underground cave with Mr. Usaji [6] [5], known in Japanese-language versions as Usajii (うさじい, Usajii?), a portmanteau of the words usagi (うさぎ, usagi?), (rabbit), and jii-chan (じいちゃん, jii-chan?) (grandpa). Mr. Usaji is a wise old rabbit who loves to watch television and drink astringent green tea. Mr. Usaji is not into any "new" materials, and does not own a telephone. In terms of fashion, Mr. Usaji focuses on materials instead of shapes. Mr. Usaji's favorite food is carrots, and his least favorite food is "something that is meaningless."
    Also in the cave live two bats, a mother named Maya [6] (Shinobu (しのぶ, Shinobu?) in the Japanese version) and her child Mario (Morio (もりお, Morio?) in the Japanese version). Maya has a drinking problem; her favorite foods are seasonal while her least favorite food is, ironically, alcohol. Mario's favorite food is Japanese-style tomato spaghetti, while his least favorite food is shiitake mushrooms.[6][5]
    The other main character in the shorts is a weasel girl named Tashanna [6] [5] (Tā-chan (たーちゃん, Tā-chan?) in the Japanese version). Tashanna, 17 years old, is a weasel who aspires to be a fashion stylist or model in Tokyo and is always using technology (televisions, mobile phones, and cameras). In English Tashanna has a "weaselly accent" (いたちなまり, itachi namari?) and ends her sentences with "y"s. In the Japanese version, she ends her sentences with "chi" (ち) [7]. Accourding to the English site, she is also looking for a boyfriend. Tashanna's favorite food is apricot and mint tarts, and her least favorite food is sea urchin. [5] The Japanese name originates from the word "multichannel" (多チャンネル, tachanneru?) of digital broadcasting.
    Bear Boy (Kogumagorō (こぐまゴロー, Kogumagorō?)), also known as A Little Bear (くまのこ, Kuma no ko?, literally "A bear cub"), is one of Domo's friends from the neighborhood; the timid cub enjoys playing baseball.[6][5]
    Hee (Flower One (花一, Hanaichi?)) and Haw (Flower Two (花二, Hanaji?)) are pixie twins from a flower. Domo is the only individual who can see them. [6]
    The Fox Trio consists of Esther (Esuko (エスコ, Esuko?)), Brother Fox (あにきち, Aniki-chi?), and Fox Boy (Konjirō (コンジロー, Konjirō?)). Esther, the youngest member, enjoys producing crocodile tears, plotting schemes, and causing havoc. Brother Fox, the eldest member, dutifully cares for his youngest siblings and feels upset when referred to as "short-legged" (短足, tansoku?). Fox Boy, having a quiet demeanor, converses with Domo and Bear Boy and prefers to read.[5][7]
    Hungry Bear (はらぺこぐま, Harapekoguma?), a large and powerful bear, feels too hungry to take advantage of his strength.[5]
    The Ghost (Hyūtarou (ヒュ~たろう, Hyūtarou?)) randomly appears and disappears.[5][7]
  3. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    lawl, wikipedia.
  4. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    yep, best way to explain something when im feeling lazy....

    which is always...
  5. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    This is also why I love wikipedia.=]
  6. Shark Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2008
    In a home
    any1 can edit it, american (well, at least WA) districts for high school wont use it as a resource anymore.
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