Oh man, the dial-up days. When waiting for a 5 minute video to load on youtube took about half an hour
I remember hearing this when my dad checked his email, and i was sitting beside him watching tv. The sound always made me look at the computer, and figure out what was happening... The sound will forever haunt me.
I never had dial up. Mostly because my parents didn't get internet until I was twelve. And bunny ear TV until age ten! Good times.
Yikes, I remember that awful sound . . . the only thing this was good for was news and email. Forget watching videos. Forget downloading anything . . . forget having a computer altogether and just go and find your life out in the real world. Da** you dial-up!! Giving people their lives back! How could you!?
I don't know if I ever had dial up if I did it is so long ago I don't remember. Everything has always loaded quite fast for me and I've never been kept waiting for anything when it comes to youtube.