Does the government have the right to tell you...

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Jayn, Jun 4, 2008.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    How many kids you can have?

    I heard because of some study, scientist believe by 2029, the population will have increased considerably, meaning that the world wouldn't have enough space or resources to provide for us all.

    People...Namely, the government, may be trying to figure out a way to tell us how many kids we can have, to cut down on population growth...

    Personally, I don't think they have a right to tell everyone how many kids to have, or what do do with our families. Hopefully after hearing about this, people will take their own initiative and something. I don't know. I don't think it's fair. I think it screws with the 'free will' thing.

    =/ anyone else have an opinion?

    By the way, this hasn't been set into any type of motion as far as I know...
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Well it is a mandate in some Asian countries. China for sure and Japan I'm not sure on. And the reason is population control. I think they're limited to 1 or 2 children per family depending on a number of factors such as food supply.

    I personally wouldn't be too pleased if it were put into place here in the US. But I can see the logic in putting this into law. There will come a time when the population gets too much for the land available. We might not see it in our lifetime and our children might not but sometime in the future it could happen.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Yeah, it's a mandatory thing in China, like LF said. Which I do disagree with.

    I don't think anyone has the right to tell you how many kids you can have. I can't say it will happen sometime soon in the USA, but if we get overpopulated quickly, it could happen.
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'm almost positive that in Japan, they just have a different view on that culturally. Anyways, The thing isn't exactly a bad idea like you said it's logical but I think it should be done in baby steps, you know encourage not having a bunch of kids before saying that you'll force abortions like in China.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yeah, that's what I'm saying. There would be some huge rebellion and protest if the government just randomly came out and said "Yeah, we're limiting you two kids per household. We're the supreme. Peace." I mean...No... XD It wouldn't work out.
  6. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    No. That is an infringement on free will. If that happens, I will lose all support for the US government (which I have been rapidly losing as of late anyway.)
  7. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Maybe. But it might be necessary in the future. I don't advocate the idea but it seems like humanity is always finding one way or another to **** itself over. This is just one of the ones we get to see unfold personally.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    It happens in China because it has to as they are tremendously over populated. Those who don't want to live in China and get out to go to other countries though can have more kids with no problems.

    In America and Europe I don't see that happening so much. I know in the U.S. actually the youth population is a lot less than former generations such as the Baby Boomers, which is why we are actually having problems with Social Security (along with the fact the Baby Boomer factory heads sent our jobs overseas). Japan also has less people to take care of their elderly as they age so they are even trying to invent robots for the job. I can't see this being enacted into American or European areas truly because with the way people changed lifeways and now women and men can work, there have been less children born any way. I am pretty sure if it was attempted that a lot of people would say gtfo and revolt, but it's pretty unreasonable for many governments to institute the law. China is a different story.
  9. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    We just need to start killing old people when the become useless to society.
  10. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    That was spam, I think. xD

    The Government does have a certain 'right' to tell couples how many babies they can have. In China, birth rates are nearing the point of being ridiculous. =/
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I still don't think it's right. I mean, if the whole over-population thing happens...that will suck too. It's a bit of both to me. China's beliefs ARE different too...Like I stated before, hopefully we'll all take it upon ourselves to cut down. Then it's not an over-exaggerated controversy.
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