Does Org. XIII deserve to get their own game?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Solax, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. Solax Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 16, 2009
    I dunno???
    Well i mean honestly i think square is just stalling with these new games coming out while they are going to be fun to play id rather they finish the series instead of going backwards.
  2. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    They do deserve their own game. And this kind of game is called a filler, being why it's so short and easy to do, yet still awesome...It's exactly the same kind of thing as COM it's there to stringt the story line together to make everything make sense and more understandable.
  3. .:Xigbar:. Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 17, 2009
    Um, yes they do deserve their own game, which is why 358/2 days got made, because it is their own game.
  4. iwuzhere9 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 21, 2009
    In your pants!
    I think Xigbar has said all that needs to be said here. BBS will further elaborate on questions about the founding members of the Organization, and I doubt we'll see much of the other members in anything else, seeing as
    how they are they are all dead now
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    358/2 Days was made as a game telling about the story of the Organization, in it's complete form. They are also making Birth By Sleep as a story to tell how the keyblade began choosing people like it did with Sora. Birth by Sleep if basically a prequel. They have hinted at making a Kingdom Hearts III, but nothing has been definite, and Square does branch out into other games besides this. We'll just have to wait for more news.
  6. RockmanDS Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 18, 2007
    Twilight Town
    To be honest, I'd rather see more on Castle Oblivion seeing as we were only there for one game and only got mentioned afew times after that.
  7. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

    Need I explain any further than anyone else? If they're stalling for anything, it's Kingdom Hearts 3.
  8. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Speaking of KH3, when will the most likely release date happen (if any?)

    I guess 3-4 years.
  9. Queen Bee Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2009
    There's actually a hinted game in the making BEFORE KH3. So they're gonna milk this cash cow for all its worth.
    As for the org getting their own game, I didn't care much for them in the long run. Days didn't change that. The only reason they even made this game was because Nomura was approached by Nintendo who wanted a KH game for the DS, and the Org were the best bet as far as utilizing the multiplayer options went. So it's not like Nomura himself thought they deserved an explanation, they were just a group of characters no one minded much they hit each other on missions, because they're the villains.
  10. .:Xigbar:. Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 17, 2009
    Ugh, hasn't there been enough fillers?

    Seriously, we have a prequel, a filler and a spin off sequel to KHII, why do we need another one? Get on with KH3.
  11. nobodynerd100 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 14, 2008
    I wouldn't mind another game about the organization, one that is centered on how the organization came to be. Letting us learn more about the newer members.
  12. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    It shouldn't be long before BBS and Coded come out. So I say Late in 2010 or atleast announced then.

    ANOTHER game? Oh good god.

    If you mean the original six members, BBS is revealing their somebodies. If you mean VII-XII then they could really use that.
  13. Queen Bee Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2009
    That depends on your definition of a filler. Not everything that isn't a numbered title is a filler :\

    How about because the plot that revolved around Sora and Riku saving the universe with Kairi sitting as a plot device came to an end and now they need to base real plot, and they can't do that in the one game they're supposed to wrap it up in? KH1 had no true plot. Save worlds, save princesses, go after your missing boyfriend. We didn't know anything about anything. I'm actually happy they're not making that mistake again.

    BBS, as Zeonark said. Though I doubt we'll find out too much about the rest. The best bets are Axel and Saix.

    Let us all hope Coded gets localized.

    I don't know. I mean, what difference would it make beyond fanservice? I'd call that filler.
  14. .:Xigbar:. Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 17, 2009
    Did I say that? No, read my post again and you will find I said absoloutely nothing like that.

    There have been two games that I consider "fillers", COM and 358/2 days, that is more then enough that we need to move onto KH3, seems like this new game might be another game like that, too early to tell but it seems that way.

    Do we really need to base a plot to KH3 when we have coded? Assuming Mickey's sending a letter due to something that happened in coded, so assuming coded does tie in with what might happen in kingdom hearts 3, there's no need to faff about with yet another game that explains a bunch of shite because coded would have done that for us. And regarding rumours, this game seems to be more focused on BBS and 358/2 days, so it might not even have anything to do with the next game.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't have games like BBS and 358/2 says, again, reading my post should show that, I am simply saying that I think we've had enough of these spinoff titles, KHII was released in 2005, 4 years ago, I think it's time to move onto KH3, that's all.
  15. Queen Bee Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2009
    And that IS you saying everything without a numbered title so far is a filler.
    Days and Chain of Memories aren't fillers. They link to Castle Oblivion, hint towards Sora's relation to Ven, give us information about Duel Wielding, shed more light on the Organization as a whole (and you NEED that, if only for the first six, not to mention Axel and probably Saix) and give us a lot more plot opportunities, especially with Xion and Namine being curious existences that were never truly explained properly. (no, I consider neither to have been explained properly. The amount of conspiracy theories I can come up for each shows it :\ and I don't tend to make ridiculous theories. I started replaying Days for material for one, dammit)
    Remove CoM and move straight from KH1 to KH2 and you'll blink at a lot more than you might think.

    Yes, because Coded shows how everything that Days hinted towards and introduced and BBS developed ties in to the future. It's the merging point between two stories, one we know nothing about, and another the truth about escapes us. Without BBS and Days, Coded is arguably worthless.

    You're effectively telling us to shove material that Nomura needed three games to shove it into into one game. :\ I doubt it's going to work.

    I personally don't consider any KH game a spinoff. Side stories at best but certainly not a spinoff as no game takes off to make a new story - they all tie into the same story, being Sora's.
    As for moving into KH3, seeing how much material Nomura has to throw at us, I'd prefer two and maybe even 3 more games so we could get that material, instead of get a ****** (imo obviously) game like KH2 where instead of getting into the plot, Sora was busy cheering on Simba because they didn't have enough material after only CoM to work with.
    I'm not saying that couldn't happen in KH3 even with all the side stories - but if they bothered explaining more, introduced more, and toyed with the concept of multiple scenarios, giving us possibly Riku or someone as another playable character, they could do so much more with the game than simply rush into it.
  16. .:Xigbar:. Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 17, 2009
    No it isn't, not in the slightest =/ did I mention BBS, or Coded and refere to them as fillers? No, I did not because they aren't fillers, BBS is a prequel and depending on what happens in coded, it could be a filler between KH2 and KH3 or just a spin off sequel from KH2, we'll have to wait and see about that.

    COM fills the gap between Kingdom hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2, I therefore consider it a filler between the two, 358/2 days is a strange one for it begins during Kh1 and goes on during COM and the period of time while Sora is asleep, I would still consider it a filler, because it fills the gap between COM and KHII, well, some of it does.

    How on earth did you come to this? I merely said that if coded explains mickey's letter at the end of KH2, the basis of KH3's story would be set, since KH3 most likely revolves around whatever Mickey put into that letter.

    I don't think you really understand what I was trying to say, you make it seem as though I think 358/2 days and BBS were a waste of time and that coded could do fine on it's own, that isn't my point, I think it's great to see some expansion, particulary on the Organization as I was disappointed on how little some members were involved in KHII.

    My point is I am against this idea of a new game that follows the same concept as the current titles and not follow the main storyline, AT THE MOMENT, I guess you could say it depends on how informative BBS and Coded turn out to be, I can see alot of answers being answered in both so we might not need yet another game to explain a bunch of concepts. I can't see where this game would fit in anyway, perhaps a sequel to BBS?

    Anyway that's all I have to say, I like all these extra titles we get but I think we have enough, again, it all depends on how informative BBS and coded are.
  17. Queen Bee Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2009
    And KH1 fills the gap between its start and end and KH2 fills the gap between when Sora woke up and when they took Xemnas down :\ that's not the best definition for filler you have there, imo.

    Sequel to BBS = KH1, unless they really do want a spin-off. I do see where you're going with now, and I do rather agree with you now that we made it clear. While BBS and Coded's values are pretty obvious (BBS sets the new story to lead us to KH3 via Coded which will connect all the dots), Days is supposedly hanging in the air. However, it too has its BBS relations, and at least one huge-@$$ possibility if not more that would affect the future of the series directly (I'm on Day 75. Talk to me again when I finish the replay about what I think this implication would be :P).

    tl;dr don't call any game filler/waste of time (not saying you are, just making a point) until the series came to an end. Then you could complain they wasted time on those games instead of running forward to KH3, as only then will we know if those games were truly important.
  18. Solax Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 16, 2009
    I dunno???
    I think its just a lousy excuse to make some extra money and who honestly cares about the Org. the only 2 characters i really cared about were Axel and Xemnas because of the whole mystery behind BBS and Xehanort and who Xemnas really is the nobody of. Also it was all pretty much explained in KH2 so it didnt need better sense.
  19. .:Xigbar:. Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 17, 2009
    Fair enough, that's just how I see the game.
  20. iwuzhere9 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 21, 2009
    In your pants!
    I am interested in this theory. Do share, even though I can already assume it has something to do with
    Ven's relationship to Xigbar, Roxas, and Sora
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