I only Like some of the songs that she has in the new album like: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt0P6H5kSqg Apple And Cinnamon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAMHB007j0 Taking My Money Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJzabYgkhHU you can also watch a GMV I made about Tifa and Cloud using the song, Taking My Money Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRuvRV2qVWE
I like the album, but unfortunately I can not have it in physical form like Exodus...=[ I get into one song, then get over it, then get into another and it just goes into a cycle so I just keep listening to it. What I'm into now is Dirty Desire, the ending is freaky
I loved the whole album and that is something because I usually stay away from the R&B genre of music. I love This One (Crying Like A Child) and Apple&Cinnamon. Those are my two absolute favourites. Poppin' and Dirty Desire are on and off for me, Poppin' is creepy but catch at the same time XD
Not counting the KH bonus tracks, Poppin' is the only track that I don't really care for. My favorites are Come Back to Me, On and On, Apple and Cinnamon, and This One (Crying Like a Child).
I listened to it a while ago, I remember not really being impressed. It didn't make my ears bleed or anything, but it didn't really compare to Utada's stuff. It was a little too R&B for me. :/
I loved Apple and Cinnamon. ;D It was my favorite song for a while... Everything else is just "Ok" to me. D:
I only liked a few, Apple and Cinnamon, On and On, and Me Muero. But it is a little too R&B for my taste, I actually like her Japanese songs more so than her English ones.