Do You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?-Week 2

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Jun 28, 2007.


Was This Good Enough For Another One Next Week?

  1. Yes,It Was Great!

    6 vote(s)
  2. No,It Wasn't Really That Funny

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Heyo,everybody.Last Thursday I told everyone to vote if they liked the thread,and I got enough good responses to do another today.Don't forget,vote on the poll if you want another one next week and post in suggestions for what you would like me to rant about next week.AND PLEASE NO NEGATIVE POSTS,USE THE POLL.

    You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?:

    Pets.Yeah,yeah,yeah,I'm one of those people.But hey,everyone loves their pets,right?I mean,we feed them,we clean them,we groom them,we play with them,we walk them,we pick up their crap off the floor for them and we/you wipe their asses.My point is:They are the biggest free-loaders since Renji from Bleach (does'nt he wear animal stuff?,anyway).
    We do these things for them because we think tthey can't help themselves.But,what do our pets think of us?How is it like on the other side of the fence,you what I mean? (Yes,I think pets can think)
    For example,once I went to a park to sit and eat a sandwhich (Canadian smoke meat pwns btw,but I digress)and I see this old lady that I knew walking her weener dog.I was being polite,I waved,but as she walked away,that weener dog was glaring at ,me.He just kept walking along,giving me the stink-eye and this dog didn't even break eye contact with me.I know to this day,that dog wanted to hurt me.I know it.
    Also,WTF is up with dog farts?If they were in a bomb category,it'd be Silent but Deadly.My friend has a golden retriever,and I was with him playing Halo 2 in the living room with my friend.So the dog just casually struts in all proud-like,and with no form of provocation,no warning at all,that dog releases an aroma so foul to the smell,I thought I went from a basement to a Monkey Whorehouse/Monastery,and the creepy thing was:there was no sound at all.Silent as the grave.
    You know what eles pets can do?Get away with anything.If your pet scratches the hell out of your couch,you can't do anything.If you hit it,you'll feel guilty later,and you know later that evening,that dog will demand food and you will feed it,no matter what happened.It's like,c'mon,who's really whose b**ch here?You know what I'm saying?
    My point is:Pets will love you,yet they will gladly sell you the rope you hang yourselves with.But not your human friends,we'll give you the rope for free :D.
  2. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Pets are for human enjoyment, and they are helpless when taken into captivity, and when bread, birthed, whatever.
    Anyways, humans are FAAAAR more disgusting than animals..... we fart too, and so does every other animal(To my knowledge).
    I don't even think I have to clairify any more than that.....
    Also, you have to train your pet, which is half the fun and challenge of having one....
    I know your rant is just a rant, and it is purely opinion.
    The comedy was alright, but I think it could be improved, because I didn;t laugh, and it's kinda like in those live audience shows where a sign blinks that says "Laugh" and the people do, even though it's not funny.
    Which is why I rate it 3 stars out of 5.
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