Just didn't see one of these threads and thought I'd make one. Feel free to discuss, post pics or ask questions.
Yeah, just hit the "Thread Tools" button. As the thread owner you should see an option to add a poll.
Gotta get current measurements, then I can order my Nero (DMC4) costume. Then I get to have fun with making the devil arm and gun by mid July. =\ And my girlfriends Ebony and Ivory.
But Nero doesn't use Ebony and Ivory, that is Dante. Nero uses Blue Rose. I don't have a good cosplay budget but I'm pretty sure my first one is going to be Jesus. I've had random people on the street tell me I look like him so I figure if I dress the part it should be pretty good. Though I could stand to lose some weight before then too.
I do realise that. Someone beat you to that. At the last con I went to, there was a Jesus. I didn't notice until I made the mistake of saying "Jesus ****" really loudly during the cosplay competition, cause this guy made Ends of the Earth and I'm planning a Terra cosplay.
If we could only cosplay as someone that hasn't been done before the cosplay scene would be a lot more complicated.