Well, just like the question says. Do you believe in a connection of all things? That everything is bound to one thing or another? Take this spiritually, scientifically, philosophically or even literal if you really want too. Please tell and give some reason for your independent belief.
I believe so. I like to think we're all part of this giant web, and if something happens to just a tiny part of the web, everyone's affected by it. Every thing is one with what surrounds them, in some manner shape or form. I'm slightly biased as this is what my religion (Wicca) centers around, the balance of energy and all living things, and the interconnectedness of it all, but I believed that long before I converted.
I don't believe so much that we are all connected like some giant web. More that I think of it as we all exist as seperate beings and objects sharing the same lake of water. We are all seperate from one another but every action we take causes ripples that collide and connect with others in that sense. Sometimes this connection is only brief, other times the ripples have a much longer reach.
I believe that everything has an effect on everything surrounding it. Everything is considered a forced and hence has ratifications on the stuff around it. Everythingh has to be connected or else communification would be impossible.
I understand what your saying, I considered myself part Daoist in a relegious sense, which talks about the unity of everything, kinda where I got the question from, so I agree with you. Water is a large part of how Daoists describe the connection that we all share. And I love your annotation on it, it's like a proverb i've never heard before. Are you talking physically or spirtually or something else?
There is definitely a scientific connection at least. One doesn't have to be the next Einstein to grasp the enormous influences that the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere have on one another. Furthermore I think the ties between us humans are tightening due to an increased degree of globalisation. You won't hear me say that this too is part of "The Grand Connection" but it's an evolution worth mentioning all the same.
Good point. No offence to science, but by god they ruin alot of my imagination. I mean, i've read a couple things on Quantum physics before and the such and it makes complete sense the theories people put across about the connection of one thing to another, it's just kinda depressing. I talked about this once on the subject of ghosts, a video was shown of a CCTV camera where a human shaped (and a actually mean looked like a regular guy's outline) being walked across the corner of the cameras view in a high security facility's gardens. No one was reported there and no alarms were tripped near the area. My friend said 'That amkes you wonder if they are real.' and I just said 'I know, unfortuantely it probably won't be something someone could explain spiritually, but a scientific explanation. Even if ghosts existed, it'll be explained by science, and kinda ruin the whole fun of mysticism.' She then kinda agreed even though she didn't want too. Anyway i'm whittering on, but is a shame science can ruin the whole imagination of people, even if it is for greater knowledge.
True that, plus the now generally accepted idea of "we're all just a bunch of circulating molecules" (note the grand connection here too) is without a doubt extremely valuable but I can imagine that many people find it quite unappealing.