IS TO F**KING HARD >=[ i'm always close to finishing a level then a dumb enemy comes from no where and hits me =/ incase you dont know, hell or hell mode is similar to heaven or hell mode except you cannot kill enemies or boss's in 1 hit but they can kill you in 1 hit
i'm not trying to start a arguement but why say that word? makes people sound like ******s anyways *facepalm*
Proof please? That seems HIGHLY unlikely considering I believe they haven't even shipped yet... Prove it to me and I'll leave you alone and let you try to be an elitest and attract attention only for you to realize no one gives a crap excpet for those trying to prove you wrong.
where do you get gaming info? the game has been shipped and most if not all gaming stores got there 1-2 weeks ago. the games official release date is tommorrow for us USA people. japan already got theres
I saw my proof from Libre'a post in your thread. So Ibelieve it has been shipped, I've been proven wrong, and now I ignore this thread because I fall under the 'I really don't give a sh*t category' Though really, you can't blame me for being suspicious. Most games ship on release date and are put on shelves the next day, being at walmart on the exact day it was leaked with $60+, AND already getting to heaven or hell mode, seems alittle off don't you think? :P
i've been playing this for more than like 2 days (i think you believe i just got this today or something) and not really, games short. you can beat it in 2 hours difficulty not that hard till you get to DMD mode i skip the cutscenes since i've already seen them throught the 1st play through. i didn't ask for you to care, i was stating my opinion that its a really hard mode.
Yeah...right, maybe you should take a break from it for awhile and come back later. >.> Why don't you actually post up a video to prove how hard it is?
20 missions, same like DMC3 and yes i was heavily exagerating =P , the missions are long but i dont watch the cutscenes since i saw them 1st play through you guys are gonna love it but the dam install thing took like 25min so don't expect to play as soon as you get home like i did. give me a camera or a capture card and i'll show you how much i suck in that mode =P my youtube channel has been updated with a new vid since like october of last year (i dont have a camera anymore =/)
woah. so is there still a Heaven or hell mode? or is it only hell or hell. cuz heaven or hell was really simple once you got the hang of it.
Sadly there isn't heaven or hell mode in dmc4 only hell or hell mode, insane mode if anyone can finish that mode they are pro
No heven and hell is still in dmc4 from what I herd. I never really bother with that mode. I mostly messed with it and just spamed the ebony and ivory.
Heaven Or Hell was only easy if you abused Ebony and Ivory/any other type of ranged weapon in DMC3. From what I've heard these are teh current modes: Human (Easy) Devil Hunter (Normal) Son of Sparda (Hard) Dante/Nero Must Die Hell or Hell