I really enjoy playing distopian games. Like Bioshock, or Fallout. But other than those two I can't think of any other distopian games. Any suggestions? Or are Bioshock and Fallout the only ones worth playing? I don't mind the genre of the game - I just enjoy the reflections of the human condition a distopian theme can bring.
Uh... There's Deus Ex, which was a good game at the time, but I have no idea how well it's aged. I think you should that one out, it was awesome when I played it. Other than that I don't really know, but I'm sure there are others aswell.
I concur wholeheartedly with the above, Deus Ex is a conglomerate of very fun things to partake in. I would say the series has aged quite well considering it is still recommended for play in this present day. If by "dystopian" you refer not simply to "destruction of order and civilization" but also the general novelized definition of a "dystopia" I may recommend the latter two Jak games in the general trilogy - both of them can be quite fun in their moments; Half-Life 2 and its associated episodes, and a usually overlooked game named Beyond Good & Evil.
Ah alright then, I haven't played it since 2002 so, I wasn't so sure. I agree with all of the games What? has mentioned here. Especially Beyond Good & Evil, which is one of the most underrated classics of all time. In my humble opinion of course.